运行 total/ID 根据 SQL 中的特定值分组

Running total/ID groups based on specific value in TSQL

我的数据看起来像 ID 和 Col1,其中 Col1 中的值 01 表示持续到下一个 01 的相关行组的开始。


ID  Col1    
1   01      
2   02      
3   02      
4   01
5   02
6   03
7   03
8   01
9   03
10  01

我需要计算 GroupTotal,它提供了来自 Col1 的“01”的 运行 总数,还有 GroupID,它是一个增量 ID,在 Col 1 中的每个“01”实例时重置。行订单必须和ID一起保存。


ID  Col1    GroupTotal  GroupID
1   01      1           1
2   02      1           2
3   02      1           3
4   01      2           1
5   02      2           2
6   03      2           3
7   03      2           4
8   01      3           1
9   03      3           2
10  01      4           1

我一直在搞乱 OVER、PARTITION BY 等,也无法破解。



    ([ID] int, [Col1] int, [GroupTotal] int, [GroupID] int)

    ([ID], [Col1], [GroupTotal], [GroupID])
    (1, 01, 1, 1),
    (2, 02, 1, 2),
    (3, 02, 1, 3),
    (4, 01, 2, 1),
    (5, 02, 2, 2),
    (6, 03, 2, 3),
    (7, 03, 2, 4),
    (8, 01, 3, 1),
    (9, 03, 3, 2),
    (10, 01, 4, 1)

select *, row_number() over (partition by Grp order by ID) as GrpID From (
    select ID, Col1, [GroupTotal], 
    sum(case when Col1 = '01' then 1 else 0 end) over (Order by ID) as Grp, 
from #tmp

总和处理分组大小写,当 Col1=01 时总是加 1,然后在 row_number 中用于分组。



select  *, SUM(GroupId) over (partition by grouptotal order by id)
from #tmp
order by grouptotal, id

我相信 OP 所说的是唯一可用的数据是带有 idcol1 数据的 table,并且期望的结果是当前发布的在问题中。



declare @grp_tbl table (id int, col1 int)

insert into @grp_tbl (id, col1)
values (1, 1),(2, 2),(3, 2),(4, 1),(5, 2),(6, 3),(7, 3),(8, 1),(9, 3),(10, 1)


declare @max_id int = (select max(id) from @grp_tbl)

; with grp_cnt as
        --getting the range of ids that are in each group
        --and ranking them
        select gt.id
        , lead(gt.id - 1, 1, @max_id) over (order by gt.id asc) as id_max --max id in the group
        , row_number() over (order by gt.id asc) as grp_ttl
        from @grp_tbl as gt
        where 1=1
        and gt.col1 = 1
--ranking the range of ids inside each group
select gt.id
, gt.col1
, gc.grp_ttl as group_total
, row_number() over (partition by gc.grp_ttl order by gt.id asc) as group_id
from @grp_tbl as gt
left join grp_cnt as gc on gt.id between gc.id and gc.id_max


  id    col1    group_total  group_id
    1     1       1           1
    2     2       1           2
    3     2       1           3
    4     1       2           1
    5     2       2           2
    6     3       2           3
    7     3       2           4
    8     1       3           1
    9     3       3           2
    10    1       4           1