hgearman-client 是如何工作的?
how does hgearman-client work?
不幸的是包裹hgearman does not provide any test or example and I can't work it out for myself how should be combined connectGearman
and submitJob
to put a job to the gearman job server。
ghci> conn <- connectGearman (B.pack "x") ("localhost"::HostName) (4730::Port)
ghci> :t conn
conn :: Either GearmanError GearmanClient
但是 submitJob
使用私有函数 submit
which deals with StateT
. So I can only guess the result of connectGearman
should be wrapped into S.StateT GearmanClient IO
下面是我对 Gearman 客户端的实现:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Control.Exception (Exception, IOException, catch, throwIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Network.Gearman.Client as C
import Network.Gearman.Internal (Function, GearmanClient, GearmanError, Port, withGearman)
import Network.Socket (HostName)
data ConnectException = ConnectException HostName Port IOException
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ConnectException
main :: IO ()
main = do
c <- C.connectGearman (B.pack "client-id") host port `catch` \e -> throwIO (ConnectException host port e)
either (error . B.unpack) return c
>>= submitFooJob
>>= either(error . B.unpack) (putStrLn . B.unpack)
return ()
host = "localhost"::HostName
port = 4730::Port
submitFooJob :: GearmanClient -> IO (Either GearmanError B.ByteString)
submitFooJob gc = withGearman gc $ C.submitJob (B.pack "foo"::Function) (B.pack "bar")
不幸的是包裹hgearman does not provide any test or example and I can't work it out for myself how should be combined connectGearman
and submitJob
to put a job to the gearman job server。
ghci> conn <- connectGearman (B.pack "x") ("localhost"::HostName) (4730::Port)
ghci> :t conn
conn :: Either GearmanError GearmanClient
但是 submitJob
使用私有函数 submit
which deals with StateT
. So I can only guess the result of connectGearman
should be wrapped into S.StateT GearmanClient IO
下面是我对 Gearman 客户端的实现:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Control.Exception (Exception, IOException, catch, throwIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Network.Gearman.Client as C
import Network.Gearman.Internal (Function, GearmanClient, GearmanError, Port, withGearman)
import Network.Socket (HostName)
data ConnectException = ConnectException HostName Port IOException
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ConnectException
main :: IO ()
main = do
c <- C.connectGearman (B.pack "client-id") host port `catch` \e -> throwIO (ConnectException host port e)
either (error . B.unpack) return c
>>= submitFooJob
>>= either(error . B.unpack) (putStrLn . B.unpack)
return ()
host = "localhost"::HostName
port = 4730::Port
submitFooJob :: GearmanClient -> IO (Either GearmanError B.ByteString)
submitFooJob gc = withGearman gc $ C.submitJob (B.pack "foo"::Function) (B.pack "bar")