超出操作 ChangeResourceRecordSets 的速率

Rate for operation ChangeResourceRecordSets exceeded

我正在尝试删除 Route 53 控制台(Web 界面)中的记录集,但出现此错误:

Rate for operation ChangeResourceRecordSets exceeded


看看。 https://status.aws.amazon.com

目前(太平洋夏令时间 2017 年 3 月 14 日)它显示 Route 53 的错误消息。

4:44 PM PDT We are investigating slow propagation of DNS edits to the Route 53 DNS servers. This does not impact queries to existing DNS records.

5:11 PM PDT We continue to investigate slow propagation of DNS edits to the Route 53 DNS servers. This does not impact queries to existing DNS records.

6:34 PM PDT We have identified root cause of the slow propagation of DNS edits to the Route 53 DNS servers and are working towards recovery. This does not impact queries to existing DNS records.

7:40 PM PDT We continue to experience slow propagation times and continue to work towards full recovery. This does not impact queries to existing DNS records.

10:12 PM PDT We continue to work on resolving the slow propagation times. Requests to the ChangeResourceRecordSets API are currently being throttled. Queries to existing DNS records remain unaffected.

Mar 14, 12:22 AM PDT While changes are propagating, we continue to work through the backlog of pending changes that have accumulated. We expect full recovery to take several more hours. We have also throttled ChangeResourceRecordSets API call. Queries to existing DNS records remain unaffected

正如最后一条声明所暗示的,他们已经限制了对新 DNS 记录的调用。

Mar 14, 1:40 AM PDT Record changes are slowly propagating, while we work through the backlog of pending changes that have accumulated. We still expect full recovery to take several more hours. We are continuing to throttle ChangeResourceRecordSets API calls. Queries to existing DNS records remain unaffected.

Mar 14, 3:01 AM PDT Record changes are still propagating, while we work through the backlog of pending changes that have accumulated. We expect full recovery to take several more hours. We are continuing to throttle ChangeResourceRecordSets API calls. Queries to existing DNS records remain unaffected.

Mar 14, 4:07 AM PDT All outstanding DNS record changes have completed propagating. ChangeResourceRecordSets API calls are still being throttled. Queries to existing DNS records remain unaffected.

Mar 14, 5:12 AM PDT ChangeResourceRecordSets API calls are still being throttled while we continue to recover. Queries to existing DNS records remain unaffected.

07:12 AM PDT We continue to throttle some ChangeResourceRecordSets API calls as we make progress towards recovery. Queries to existing DNS records remain unaffected.

07:53 AM PDT We are continuing to throttle some ChangeResourceRecordSets API calls while we work towards full recovery. Retries for throttled requests should succeed. Queries to existing DNS records remain unaffected.

10:30 AM PDT We continue to throttle some ChangeResourceRecordSets API calls while we make progress towards recovery. Retries for throttled requests should be successful. Queries to existing DNS records remain unaffected.

一切恢复正常可能还需要一些时间。但是您的帐户或 DNS 设置应该没有问题。

更新截至 3 月 14 日 2:54 太平洋夏令时间下午。 Route 53 进程的所有限制已被删除,服务已恢复。这个事件用了大约20个小时。

Mar 14, 1:11 PM PDT We continue to remove throttling for the ChangeResourceRecordSets API as we continue towards recovery. At this stage, many customers are seeing recovery as DNS updates complete successful. For those customers that are still experiencing throttling, we continue to recommend retrying API requests or making use of change batches http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/APIReference/API_ChangeResourceRecordSets.html to update multiple DNS records in a single request. Queries to existing DNS records remain unaffected.

Mar 14, 2:54 PM PDT We have removed throttling for the ChangeResourceRecordSets API and are seeing recovery. All DNS update operations are now completing successfully. Queries to existing DNS records were not affected. The issue has been resolved and the service is operating normally.