securesocial 3.0 不适用于 play framework 2.3

securesocial 3.0 doesn't work with play framework 2.3

1.When 我将我的游戏框架从 2.2.6 升级到 2.3.8,并将 securesocial 从 2.1.4 升级到 3.0-M3。我收到以下错误。如何解决?

[error] /Work/test.scala:81: not found: value SecuredAction
[error] def findStats = SecuredAction {

2.The 以下行曾经有效,但现在出现错误 message:trait SecureSocial 需要类型 parameters.How 来解决这个问题?

object ToolbarHandler extends Controller with SecureSocial with CookieLang{

3.Request 需要 parameter.How 来添加参数吗?

 def findStats = SecuredAction {
      implicit request =>

您必须使用快照版本。 如此处所述:


resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""


"ws.securesocial" % "securesocial_2.11" % "master-SNAPSHOT"
