从单元格中删除内容,如果 IsNumber = False

Delete contents from cell, IFIsNumeric = False

所以我有这个程序;从远程系统扫描值。有时,如果网络中断,它可能会超时,并且会出现 #nan 错误或类似的错误。

当我尝试将该错误消息写入数据库时​​;它会出错 "Data Type Mismatch" 因为它正在寻找一个数值。



Private Sub Clean()
'Select Current Row For where to start cleaning. LoopIndex is a global variable. 
'Just giving the line of where to read from so I do not need to read the whole sheet. 
  Range("B" & LoopIndex).Select

'Start the loop, to go through the entire row.
  Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)

   'Checks if it is a number value; if it is not it will clear out the data.
    If IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) = False Then
        ActiveCell.Value = ""
    End If
  ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
End Sub


|A     |B     |C     |D     |
|#error|#Error|3     |#Error|


|A     |B     |C     |D     |
|      |      |3     |      |


|A     |B     |C     |D     |
|      |      |3     |#Error|


Sub RemoveErrors(TheRange As Range)
Dim c
For Each c In TheRange
    If IsError(c) Then c.Value = ""
Next c
End Sub


Sub RemoveErrors(TheRange As Range)
On Error Resume Next
TheRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlErrors).Value = vbNullString
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub


Sub Test()
RemoveErrors Range("A1:D21")
End Sub

如果您更喜欢使用 IsNumeric 函数,则使用此函数:

Sub RemoveNAN(TheRange As Range)
Dim c
For Each c In TheRange
    If IsNumeric(c) = False Then c.Value = ""
Next c
End Sub



 Private Sub Clean()

Dim StartRow As String
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim EndRow As String
Dim StartCol As String
Dim MyCol As String

StartCol = "B"

With ActiveSheet
        LastCol = .Cells(LoopIndex, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End With

MyCol = GetColumnLetter(LastCol)

RemoveErrors Range(StartCol & LoopIndex & ":" & MyCol & LoopIndex)

End Sub

'Does the replacing
Sub RemoveErrors(TheRange As Range)
Dim c
For Each c In TheRange
    If IsError(c) Then c.Value = ""
Next c
End Sub

'Gets the Column Letter
Function GetColumnLetter(colNum As Long) As String
    Dim vArr
    vArr = Split(Cells(1, colNum).Address(True, False), "$")
    GetColumnLetter = vArr(0)
End Function