无法 clone/list TFS 回购

Not able to clone/list TFS repo

阅读此文档后我得到的印象是我应该能够使用 git-tfs 获取 TFS 存储库的内容以便克隆一些分支:https://github.com/git-tfs/git-tfs/blob/master/doc/usecases/manage_tfs_branches.md


C:\Workspace.Git\Corp>git tfs list-remote-branches https:/scm.domain.com:8443/tfs
Given tfs name is not correct URI and not found as a registered TFS instance

C:\Workspace.Git\Corp>git tfs list-remote-branches https:/scm.domain.com:8443/tfs/DefaultCollection
Given tfs name is not correct URI and not found as a registered TFS instance

C:\Workspace.Git\Corp>git tfs list-remote-branches scm.domain.com
Given tfs name is not correct URI and not found as a registered TFS instance

其中 https:/scm.domain.com:8443/tfs 是我在 Visual Studio 2012 中用于连接到 TFS 的服务器地址。它有 DefaultCollection 个项目。


您使用了错误的 url,缺少 / 集合名称 。试试这个:

git tfs list-remote-branches https://scm.domain.com:8443/tfs/DefaultCollection 
