Modelica when 语句中离散状态机变量的方程太多

Too many equations for discrete state machine variables in when statements in Modelica

我有一个人为设计的 Modelica 模型,其中有一个由多个 when 语句操纵的状态机变量:

model WhenExample
  type State = enumeration(first, second, third);

  State   state;
initial equation
  state = State.first;

  when sample(0, 1) then
    state = State.second;
  end when;

  when sample(0, 3) then
    state = State.third;
  end when;
end WhenExample;

在 OpenModelica OMC 下编译时,出现以下错误:

[1] 16:46:39 Symbolic Error
Too many equations, over-determined system. The model has 2 equation(s) and 1 variable(s).

这有点有意义,因为我 我的单个 state 变量有两个方程。然而,这些方程只适用于离散的时间点,对吧?

我是否需要确保特定变量的所有 "manipulations" 只发生在单个 when 语句中?

参见 Modelica 规范,第 8.5 节事件和同步:

在第 8.6 节之前有一个示例应该对您有所帮助。 下面给出了一些基于此的代码:

model WhenExample
  parameter Integer multiplySample = 3;
  Boolean fastSample, slowSample;
  Integer ticks(start=0);
  type State = enumeration(first, second, third);
  State state(start = State.first);
  fastSample = sample(0,1);
  when fastSample then
    ticks := if pre(ticks) < multiplySample then pre(ticks)+1 else 0;
    slowSample := pre(ticks) == 0;
    state := State.second;
  end when;
  when slowSample then
    state := State.third;
  end when;
end WhenExample;