如何 reset/remove 没有 Apple Developer Membership 的 apple developer team 最大设备数

How to reset/remove apple developer team maximum devices without Apple Developer Membership

所以我有很长的编写(更像是测试)应用程序的历史,因此有很长的测试设备的踪迹。最近,我想在我的 iPhone 上测试我的一个应用程序,但它告诉我我已经达到我的团队可以签名的最大设备数量。

我的 Apple 会员资格最近 运行 结束了,所以 apple 一直烦我要续订,但我不想续订,直到我真正完成我目前正在开发的应用程序,但自从这个应用程序将统一编写,需要在 iPhone.



我的简单问题是如何 remove/reset 我不再测试的与我的帐户相关联的设备,以便为这个 iPhone 腾出空间?


根据这个 documentation,

If you are the Team Agent for your Apple Developer Program team, you can reset your list of development devices each year using Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. You can register up to 100 of each device type for testing and Ad Hoc distribution per membership year. At the start of your new membership year, you and any Admins on your team will be presented with the option to remove listed devices and restore the available device count to 100 when you first sign in to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.

Although you may remove a device from your account during the year, it will continue to count against your device limit. When resetting your list, make sure to remove all devices you no longer use for development before adding any new devices.

所以基本上您每年只能在更新会员资格后重置一次。 您可以通过使用您的开发者帐户登录 apple developer website、从左侧导航选项卡 Select Certificates, IDs & Profiles、select Devices 选项卡和 [=24] 来重置列表=] Get StartedReset your device list before adding any new devices.

添加到@TheMachSystem 答案中,您将能够仅在您的 Apple 开发者会员仪表板上指定的设备重置日期 移除设备。 如果您在该日期之前续订您的会员资格,您将需要等到那个日期