从单独的文件加载 dropzone,不会加载

Loading dropzone from a separate file, won't load

所以我有 php 添加文件


这里根据用户点击的图像(类别图像)我用 jquery 加载正确的表单

$("#54").click(function(e) {
                            $(".formcontainer").load("<?php bloginfo ('url'); ?>/wp-content/themes/twentythirteen/inc/cat1.php", function(){
                            //alert( "test" );
                            var subCat = "54";

                            //alert (user_id);


                                url: '../getThirdSubCategories.php',
                                data: {"subCat":subCat},
                                type: 'post',
                                success: function(data)


这会将 cat1.php 加载到页面中,例如,我使用了真正的基本形式(不是我的大形式 - 同样的原则适用)


                 Dropzone.options.mydropzone = {
// url does not has to be written if we have wrote action in the form tag but i have mentioned here just for convenience sake 
          url: 'upload.php', 
          addRemoveLinks: true,
          autoProcessQueue: false, // this is important as you dont want form to be submitted unless you have clicked the submit button
          autoDiscover: false,
          paramName: 'pic', // this is optional Like this one will get accessed in php by writing $_FILE['pic'] // if you dont specify it then bydefault it taked 'file' as paramName eg: $_FILE['file'] 
          previewsContainer: '#dropzonePreview', // we specify on which div id we must show the files
          clickable: true, // this tells that the dropzone will not be clickable . we have to do it because v dont want the whole form to be clickable 
          accept: function(file, done) {
         error: function(file, msg){
          init: function() {

              var myDropzone = this;
            //now we will submit the form when the button is clicked
            $("#sbmtbtn").on('click',function(e) {
               myDropzone.processQueue(); // this will submit your form to the specified action path
              // after this, your whole form will get submitted with all the inputs + your files and the php code will remain as usual 
        //REMEMBER you DON'T have to call ajax or anything by yourself, dropzone will take care of that

          } // init end



 <form method="post" action="upload.php" class="dropzone" id="mydropzone" enctype='multipart/form-data'> //remember we gave an id mydropzone to the form

           <label>Username:<input type="text" name="uname"/> </label>
           <label>Password:<input type="text" name="pass"/> </label>
           <div id="dropzonePreview"></div>
           <input type="button" id="sbmtbtn" value="submit"/>


该脚本是基础脚本 used/being 在堆栈溢出上多次发布以在表单中使用 dropzone。




一些额外的信息 dropzone.js在页眉加载

网站在 wordpress 中

第一页 (add.php) 中是否包含 Dropzone.js 脚本?在这种情况下,脚本将在页面加载后找到所有带有 class dropzone 的表单元素,但它会找到 0 个带有 class dropzone 的元素。所以你必须在加载表单时手动创建 Dropzone。您可以尝试使用以下形式在您的文件中添加此行:

new Dropzone("#mydropzone" , Dropzone.options.mydropzone );