Terraform 中的正则表达式

Regular expressions in Terraform

我需要在我的 Terraform 代码中使用正则表达式。 documentation for the replace function 表示如果用正斜杠包裹的字符串可以被视为正则表达式。


Name = "${replace(var.string, var.search | lower(var.search), replace)}"


replace function state that you need to wrap your search string in forward slashes for it to search for a regular expression and this is also seen in the code 的 Terraform 文档。

Terraform 使用 re2 library to handle regular expressions which does supposedly take a /i flag to make it case insensitive. However I couldn't seem to get that to work at all (even trying /search/i/) but it does support Perl style regular expressions 除非在 POSIX 模式下,因此只需在您的搜索变量前加上 (?i) 前缀就可以正常工作。


variable "string"  { default = "Foo" }
variable "search"  { default = "/(?i)foo/" }
variable "replace" { default = "bar" }

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  ami           = "ami-123456"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  tags {
    Name = "${replace(var.string, var.search, var.replace)}"

再举一个例子 - 从 "string" 变量的末尾删除句点:

variable "string"  { default = "Foo." }

"${replace("var.string", "\.$", "")}"

我认为是:"${replace(var.string, "/\.$/", "")}"

只是为了帮助其他人看这里...按照 Terraform 文档: https://www.terraform.io/docs/language/functions/replace.html

要被识别为正则表达式,您需要将模式放在 /(斜杠)之间,如下所示:

 > replace("hello world", "/w.*d/", "everybody")
 > hello everybody