如何在 Oracle APEX 中解析 JSON 数组数据

How to parse JSON array data in Oracle APEX

我有以下 JSON output.I 需要将数据解析为 table。请帮助我代码。

"type": "Campaign",
"currentStatus": "Active",
"id": "206",
"createdAt": "1488438112",
"createdBy": "370",
"depth": "complete",
"folderId": "1428",
"name": "Car Loan",
  "elements": [
        "type": "CampaignAddToProgramBuilderAction",
        "id": "1197",
        "name": "Create Lead",
        "memberCount": "0",
"isReadOnly": "false",
"runAsUserId": "372",
"actualCost": "2500.00",
"budgetedCost": "0.00",
"campaignCategory": "contact",
"campaignType": "GB",
"crmId": "",
"endAt": "1496289599",
"fieldValues": [
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "8",
        "value": "test"
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "9",
        "value": "APAC"
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "11",
        "value": ""
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "12",
        "value": "Direct Mail Campaigns"
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "13",
        "value": ""
"firstActivation": "1488439250",
"isEmailMarketingCampaign": "false",
"isIncludedInROI": "true",


我必须将所有字段加载到 table.following 代码正在加载没有嵌套字段的数据,请帮助添加 "actual Cost" 和字段值(类型, id,值)在下面的代码中。

  l_ws_response_clob CLOB;
  l_ws_url VARCHAR2(500) := 'your URL';--above given the out put of JSON
  l_list json_list;
  l_obj json;
  l_col1 VARCHAR2(100);
  l_col2 VARCHAR2(100);
  l_col3 VARCHAR2(100);
  l_col4 VARCHAR2(100);
  l_col5 VARCHAR2(100);
  l_col6 VARCHAR2(100);
  l_col7 VARCHAR2(100);
  l_col8 VARCHAR2(100);

  --get JSON
  apex_web_service.g_request_headers(1).name := 'Accept';
  apex_web_service.g_request_headers(1).value := 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
  apex_web_service.g_request_headers(2).name := 'Content-Type';
  apex_web_service.g_request_headers(2).value := 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
  l_ws_response_clob := apex_web_service.make_rest_request(
  p_url => l_ws_url,
  p_username => 'TEST',
  p_password => 'TEST',
  p_http_method => 'GET'
  l_obj := json(l_ws_response_clob);
  l_list := json_list(l_obj.get('elements'));
   for i in 1..l_list.count LOOP
    l_col1   := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'type');
    l_col2   := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'currentStatus');
    l_col3   := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'folderId');
    l_col4   := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'name');
    l_col5   := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'id');
    l_col6   := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'createdAt');
    l_col7   := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'createdBy');
    l_col8   := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'isEmailMarketingCampaign');

--Actual cost and field values(type,id,value) needs to be added here which are in array list.Please help code here

      end LOOP;

你在那里处理的问题非常糟糕 JSON。悬挂逗号(不允许)和数字存储为文本而不是作为数字传递。


   l_json     varchar2 (32767) := '{"type": "Campaign","currentStatus": "Active","id": "206","createdAt": "1488438112","createdBy": "370",
"depth": "complete","folderId": "1428","name": "Car Loan",  "elements": [   {
        "type": "CampaignAddToProgramBuilderAction",
        "id": "1197",
        "name": "Create Lead",
        "memberCount": "0"
"isReadOnly": "false","runAsUserId": "372","actualCost": "2500.00","budgetedCost": "0.00","campaignCategory": "contact","campaignType": "GB",
"crmId": "","endAt": "1496289599","fieldValues": [    {        "type": "FieldValue",        "id": "8",        "value": "test"    },
    {        "type": "FieldValue",        "id": "9",        "value": "APAC"    },   
    {        "type": "FieldValue",        "id": "11",        "value": ""    },
    {        "type": "FieldValue",        "id": "12",        "value": "Direct Mail Campaigns"    },
    {        "type": "FieldValue",        "id": "13",        "value": ""    }
"firstActivation": "1488439250","isEmailMarketingCampaign": "false","isIncludedInROI": "true"}';
   l_number   number;
   apex_json.parse (l_json);
   l_number   := to_number (apex_json.get_varchar2 ('actualCost'), '999999999990D00', 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=''.,''');
   dbms_output.put_line ('Actual cost: ' || l_number);

   -- fieldValues
   for i in 1 .. apex_json.get_count ('fieldValues') loop
      dbms_output.put_line ('Item number ' || i);
      dbms_output.put_line (chr (9) || ' * Type: ' || apex_json.get_varchar2 ('fieldValues[%d].type', i));
      dbms_output.put_line (chr (9) || ' * Id: ' || apex_json.get_varchar2 ('fieldValues[%d].id', i));
      dbms_output.put_line (chr (9) || ' * Value: ' || apex_json.get_varchar2 ('fieldValues[%d].value', i));
   end loop;


Actual cost: 2500
Item number 1
     * Type: FieldValue
     * Id: 8
     * Value: test
Item number 2
     * Type: FieldValue
     * Id: 9
     * Value: APAC
Item number 3
     * Type: FieldValue
     * Id: 11
     * Value: 
Item number 4
     * Type: FieldValue
     * Id: 12
     * Value: Direct Mail Campaigns
Item number 5
     * Type: FieldValue
     * Id: 13
     * Value: 

您可以将您的代码基于以下代码 您可以将 l_obj 发送到 xmltable 函数,而不是硬编码 json 然后你可以使用插入到 table

 select T1.*,T2.*
from xmltable (
        passing apex_json.to_xmltype('
    "type": "Campaign",
    "currentStatus": "Active",
    "id": "206",
    "createdAt": "1488438112",
    "createdBy": "370",
    "depth": "complete",
    "folderId": "1428",
    "name": "Car Loan",
    "elements": [{
        "type": "CampaignAddToProgramBuilderAction",
        "id": "1197",
        "name": "Create Lead",
        "memberCount": "0"
    "isReadOnly": "false",
    "runAsUserId": "372",
    "actualCost": "2500.00",
    "budgetedCost": "0.00",
    "campaignCategory": "contact",
    "campaignType": "GB",
    "crmId": "",
    "endAt": "1496289599",
    "fieldValues": [{
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "8",
        "value": "test"
    }, {
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "9",
        "value": "APAC"
    }, {
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "11",
        "value": ""
    }, {
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "12",
        "value": "Direct Mail Campaigns"
    }, {
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "13",
        "value": ""
    "firstActivation": "1488439250",
    "isEmailMarketingCampaign": "false",
    "isIncludedInROI": "true"

           type varchar2(1000) path '/row/type',
           currentStatus varchar2(1000) path '/row/currentStatus',
           folderId varchar2(1000) path '/row/folderId',
           name varchar2(1000) path '/row/name',
           id varchar2(1000) path '/row/id',
           createdAt varchar2(1000) path '/row/createdAt',
           createdBy varchar2(1000) path '/row/createdBy',
           isEmailMarketingCampaign varchar2(1000) path '/row/isEmailMarketingCampaign',
           actualCost varchar2(1000) path '/row/actualCost' ) T1,

xmltable (
        passing apex_json.to_xmltype('
    "type": "Campaign",
    "currentStatus": "Active",
    "id": "206",
    "createdAt": "1488438112",
    "createdBy": "370",
    "depth": "complete",
    "folderId": "1428",
    "name": "Car Loan",
    "elements": [{
        "type": "CampaignAddToProgramBuilderAction",
        "id": "1197",
        "name": "Create Lead",
        "memberCount": "0"
    "isReadOnly": "false",
    "runAsUserId": "372",
    "actualCost": "2500.00",
    "budgetedCost": "0.00",
    "campaignCategory": "contact",
    "campaignType": "GB",
    "crmId": "",
    "endAt": "1496289599",
    "fieldValues": [{
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "8",
        "value": "test"
    }, {
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "9",
        "value": "APAC"
    }, {
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "11",
        "value": ""
    }, {
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "12",
        "value": "Direct Mail Campaigns"
    }, {
        "type": "FieldValue",
        "id": "13",
        "value": ""
    "firstActivation": "1488439250",
    "isEmailMarketingCampaign": "false",
    "isIncludedInROI": "true"

           type varchar2(1000) path '/row/type',
           id varchar2(1000) path '/row/id',
           value varchar2(1000) path '/row/value'
           ) T2;