如何Return 异步($http) 模态关闭或取消数据

How to Return Asynchronous ($http) Data on Modal Close or Cancel

我在控制器中有一个名为 "Audit"

 $scope.comment = function (spec){
            var modalInstance = $modal.open({
                templateUrl: 'views/comment.html',
                controller: 'CommentCtrl',
                size: 'lg'

当用户点击评论按钮时,模式打开,用户可以添加评论。在关闭评论模式时,我正在尝试更新 "Audit" 控制器中的模式,但它没有发生

下面的函数在另一个名为 "Comments"

$scope.cancel = function () {

        $http.post('/api/v1/manual/manual',$scope.id).success (function (data) {
            $scope.manual = data;
        }).error(function (data, status) {
            console.log('Error ' + data);



$modal.open() 函数 returns 一些东西,而您正在寻找 result 属性。 Here's文档,看看result属性.

result 属性 returns 一个承诺,当模态是 "closed" 或 "dismissed" 时,你可以链接它来做某些事情.


  • $modalInstance.close(value)
  • $modalInstance.dismiss(value)

您可以使用任何一个,但我建议使用 close() 函数完成 "successful",使用 dismiss() 完成 "cancelled" 或 "failed"模态操作。通常,模态窗口右上角的 "x" 按钮会调用 dismiss() 函数,因此您可以将关闭与完成分开处理。


    function (value) {
        // Use the value you passed from the $modalInstance.close() call
    function (dismissed) {
        // Use the value you passed from the $modalInstance.dismiss() call

Return $http 服务返回的承诺:

$scope.cancel = function () {

    var promise = $http.post('/api/v1/manual/manual',$scope.id)
      .then (function (response) {
        var manual = response.data;
        return manual;



    function onClose(value) {
        // Use the value you passed from the $modalInstance.close() call
    function onCancel(manual) {
        $scope.manual = manual;

$modal 服务创建了一个 $scope,它在模式关闭时被销毁。使用模态服务返回的承诺来更新正确的 $scope。

Because calling the .then method of a promise returns a new derived promise, it is easily possible to create a chain of promises.

It is possible to create chains of any length and since a promise can be resolved with another promise (which will defer its resolution further), it is possible to pause/defer resolution of the promises at any point in the chain. This makes it possible to implement powerful APIs.

— AngularJS $q Service API Reference - Chaining Promises

另见 UI Bootstrap Modal DEMO and API Reference