Using features (portfolio backlog) after finished in agile
User Registration
User Stories:
As a Visitor I want to be able to register to the web site.
As a Visitor I want to be able to register to the web site using facebook.
As a Visitor I want to be able to register to the web site using twitter.
As a Registered User I want to be able to connect my account with facebook.
As a Registered User I want to be able to connect my account with twitter.
As a Registered User I want to be able to create a username and password for login.
在所有这些故事实施并完成功能后,一个月后,我们对注册流程有了新的要求。 (增加安全性,或添加额外的社交登录,等等)
我应该将它们添加到当前完成的功能中 "User Registration" 还是最好创建一个新功能?
我将 TFS 与 Scrum 和 Feature 术语一起使用,但它适用于任何流程模板
功能和 PBI 是所需功能的限时占位符。他们完成了,他们完成了。如果您有在功能或 PBI 的生命周期中没有捕获和实现的新功能,那么您需要一个由产品所有者确定优先级的新功能。
User Registration
User Stories:
As a Visitor I want to be able to register to the web site.
As a Visitor I want to be able to register to the web site using facebook.
As a Visitor I want to be able to register to the web site using twitter.
As a Registered User I want to be able to connect my account with facebook.
As a Registered User I want to be able to connect my account with twitter.
As a Registered User I want to be able to create a username and password for login.
在所有这些故事实施并完成功能后,一个月后,我们对注册流程有了新的要求。 (增加安全性,或添加额外的社交登录,等等)
我应该将它们添加到当前完成的功能中 "User Registration" 还是最好创建一个新功能?
我将 TFS 与 Scrum 和 Feature 术语一起使用,但它适用于任何流程模板
功能和 PBI 是所需功能的限时占位符。他们完成了,他们完成了。如果您有在功能或 PBI 的生命周期中没有捕获和实现的新功能,那么您需要一个由产品所有者确定优先级的新功能。