使用 PHP 将行双重传递到 MySQL 数据库

Double Passing Rows into MySQL Databases using PHP

eBay Platform Notifications recommends periodic polling of the GetOrders API 确保收到每一个订单。

在我的例子中,我设置了平台通知来解析接收到的 XML 文件并使用 PHP.

将其插入到 MySQL 数据库中

现在我正在寻找,按照建议,"double pass" 使用 GetOrders,这基本上应该为每一行(或订单)提供重复项。

我的结构相当简单。但是我有一个 UNIQUE INDEX 对应 OrderLineItemID,据我所知,这是每个 eBay 订单的唯一标识符。


//retrieve and escape variables for insertion//

$sql = "INSERT INTO eBayOrders (OrderLineItemID, SalesRecordNumber, BuyerUserID, BuyerEmail, Title, SKU, Quantity, TransactionPrice)
VALUES ('".$orderlineitemid."', '".$recordnumber."', '".$buyeruserid."', '".$buyeremail."', '".$title."', '".$sku."', '".$qty."', '".$transactionprice."')";

if ($connect->query($sql) === TRUE) {
         echo "New Record Created Successfully";
} else {
         echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br />" . $connect->error;

因为我的UNIQUE ON OrderLineItemID,当有重复的订单进来时,查询会报错,关闭连接,然后退出脚本。

我考虑过先检查(可能使用 SELECT 语句)该行是否存在,然后尝试插入,但我正在执行 foreach 向上循环到 100 个订单使用 GetOrders API 到 运行 我的 SQL 查询,似乎让它出错可能是一个更快的选择,但我厌倦了这是否会导致问题。

总而言之,我不熟悉 MySQL "double passes" 的最佳实践。有人对执行此操作的最佳方法有任何见解吗?

编辑:这是我的整个 foreach 循环:

foreach ($orders as $order) {
                        $buyeruserid2 = $order->BuyerUserID;
                            $buyeruserid = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $buyeruserid2);
                     // $extendedorderid = $order->TransactionArray->Transaction->ExtendedOrderID;
                        $buyeremail2 = $order->TransactionArray->Transaction->Buyer->Email;
                            $buyeremail = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $buyeremail2);
                        $salesrecordnumber2 = $order->TransactionArray->Transaction->ShippingDetails->SellingManagerSalesRecordNumber;
                            $salesrecordnumber = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $salesrecordnumber2);
                        $orderlineitemid2 = $order->TransactionArray->Transaction->OrderLineItemID;
                            $orderlineitemid = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $orderlineitemid2);
                        $title2 = $order->TransactionArray->Transaction->Item->Title;
                            $title = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $title2);
                        $sku2 = $order->TransactionArray->Transaction->Item->SKU;
                            $sku = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $sku2);
                        $quantitypurchased2 = $order->TransactionArray->Transaction->QuantityPurchased;
                            $quantitypurchased = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $quantitypurchased2);
                        $transactionprice2 = $order->TransactionArray->Transaction->TransactionPrice;
                            $transactionprice = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $transactionprice2);

            echo $i;
            echo "\n";
            echo "BuyerUserID: " . $buyeruserid . "\n";
            echo "extendedorderid: " . $quantitypurchased . "\n";
            echo "BuyerEmail: " . $buyeremail . "\n";
            echo "SellingManagerSalesRecordNumber: " . $salesrecordnumber . "\n";
            echo "OrderLineItemID: " . $orderlineitemid . "\n";
        // echo "ExtendedOrderID: " . $transaction->ExtendedOrderID . "\n";
            echo "Title: " . $title . "\n";
            echo "SKU: " . $sku . "\n";
            echo "QuantityPurchased: " . $quantitypurchased . "\n";
            echo "TransactionPrice: " . $transactionprice . "\n";
            echo "\n";

$sql = "INSERT INTO eBayOrders (OrderLineItemID, SalesRecordNumber, BuyerUserID, BuyerEmail, Title, SKU, Quantity, TransactionPrice)
VALUES ('".$orderlineitemid."', '".$recordnumber."', '".$buyeruserid."', '".$buyeremail."', '".$title."', '".$sku."', '".$qty."', '".$transactionprice."')";

if ($connect->query($sql) === TRUE) {
  echo "New Record Created Successfully";
} else {
  echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br />" . $connect->error;


为了避免因唯一键约束导致 INSERT 失败时出现错误,我们可以在 INSERT 语句上使用 IGNORE 选项。


If you use the IGNORE modifier, errors that occur while executing the INSERT statement are ignored. For example, without IGNORE, a row that duplicates an existing UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY value in the table causes a duplicate-key error and the statement is aborted. With IGNORE, the row is discarded and no error occurs. Ignored errors generate warnings instead.


作为另一种选择,我们可以使用INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY ...

