Visual Studio 2017 几个组件安装失败
Visual Studio 2017 failed to install several components
Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition 发行版的安装程序几个组件失败
The product failed to install the listed workloads and components due
to one or more package failures.
Incomplete workloads
Mobile development with .NET (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetCrossPlat,version=15.0.26228.0)
Incomplete components
Google Android Emulator (API Level 23) (Component.Google.Android.Emulator.API23.V2,version=15.0.26208.0)
You can search for solutions using the information below, modify your
selections for the above workloads and components and retry the
installation, or remove the product from your machine.
Following is a collection of individual package failures that led to
the incomplete workloads and components above. To search for existing
reports of these specific problems, please copy and paste the URL from
each package failure into a web browser. If the issue has already been
reported, you can find solutions or workarounds there. If the issue
has not been reported, you can create a new issue where other people
will be able to find solutions or workarounds.
Package 'AndroidEmulator_API23V2,version=1.0.23' failed to download
from ''.
Search URL:;PackageAction=DownloadPackage;ReturnCode=0x80072f7d
Impacted workloads
Mobile development with .NET (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetCrossPlat,version=15.0.26228.0)
Impacted components
Google Android Emulator (API Level 23) (Component.Google.Android.Emulator.API23.V2,version=15.0.26208.0)
WebClient download failed: The decryption operation failed, see inner exception.
Bits download failed: Error context: BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_REMOTE_FILE, Error code: -2147012739
WinInet download failed: Function: InternetReadFile, HR: -2147012739, Message: Unknown error 12157
这种使用 .NET 的移动开发是否会影响 Windows UWP 开发?我现在真的不需要 Android 开发工具。
最好的做法是什么 - 我尝试了两次安装,结果相同 - 我可以稍后自行安装这些组件吗?
编辑:Visual Studio 似乎 运行 正确,我可以打开我的 UWP 项目并 运行 它所以一切似乎都正常好的到目前为止。这是已安装的应用程序版本
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
Version 15.0.26228.9 D15RTWSVC
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.6.01586
Installed Version: Community
%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCleanup.exe
如果是这样,请使用 -full
InstallCleanup.exe -full
%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer
重新启动新下载的 vs_enterprise.exe
(或 vs_professional.exe
或 vs_community.exe
桌面等),请将其关闭。去启动相同的 InstallCleanup.exe
来清理旧版本的 VS。
然后重新启动 vs_enterprise.exe
Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition 发行版的安装程序几个组件失败
The product failed to install the listed workloads and components due to one or more package failures.
Incomplete workloads Mobile development with .NET (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetCrossPlat,version=15.0.26228.0)
Incomplete components Google Android Emulator (API Level 23) (Component.Google.Android.Emulator.API23.V2,version=15.0.26208.0)
You can search for solutions using the information below, modify your selections for the above workloads and components and retry the installation, or remove the product from your machine.
Following is a collection of individual package failures that led to the incomplete workloads and components above. To search for existing reports of these specific problems, please copy and paste the URL from each package failure into a web browser. If the issue has already been reported, you can find solutions or workarounds there. If the issue has not been reported, you can create a new issue where other people will be able to find solutions or workarounds.
Package 'AndroidEmulator_API23V2,version=1.0.23' failed to download from ''. Search URL:;PackageAction=DownloadPackage;ReturnCode=0x80072f7d Impacted workloads Mobile development with .NET (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetCrossPlat,version=15.0.26228.0) Impacted components Google Android Emulator (API Level 23) (Component.Google.Android.Emulator.API23.V2,version=15.0.26208.0) Details WebClient download failed: The decryption operation failed, see inner exception. Bits download failed: Error context: BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_REMOTE_FILE, Error code: -2147012739 WinInet download failed: Function: InternetReadFile, HR: -2147012739, Message: Unknown error 12157
这种使用 .NET 的移动开发是否会影响 Windows UWP 开发?我现在真的不需要 Android 开发工具。
最好的做法是什么 - 我尝试了两次安装,结果相同 - 我可以稍后自行安装这些组件吗?
编辑:Visual Studio 似乎 运行 正确,我可以打开我的 UWP 项目并 运行 它所以一切似乎都正常好的到目前为止。这是已安装的应用程序版本
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017
Version 15.0.26228.9 D15RTWSVC
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.6.01586
Installed Version: Community
%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCleanup.exe
如果是这样,请使用 -full
InstallCleanup.exe -full
%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer
重新启动新下载的 vs_enterprise.exe
(或 vs_professional.exe
或 vs_community.exe
桌面等),请将其关闭。去启动相同的 InstallCleanup.exe
来清理旧版本的 VS。
然后重新启动 vs_enterprise.exe