在 JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF 中禁止结束简短描述的句点

Suppress periods from ending brief description in JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF

JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF 设置似乎非常方便,所以不用写:

/// \brief Brief description.
///        Brief description continued.
/// Detailed description starts here.


/// Brief description; brief description continued.
/// Detailed description starts here.

然而,我在这里使用 ; 将内容合并为一个句子,我希望有 选项 以某种方式阻止句号结束简要说明。

当我稍微浏览一下源代码时,我 found a suggestion 你可以通过转义句点来解决这个精确的问题。但是:/// Brief description\. Brief description continued. 对我不起作用。

根据该建议,似乎 起作用的是 "escaping the space" 和 /// Brief description.\ Brief description continued。我不相信那是真正的 "feature" doxygen,我只是把它搞糊涂了,它忽略了一个错误状态。


我必须为我的所有项目设置这个,因为我太冗长了。它允许我在 "brief" 描述中写多个句子——甚至跨越多行——而不会被 doxygen 打断。



/// Returns the alpha channel value of this color, represented as a percentage.
/// A value of 0% means completely transparent, while 100% means fully opaque.
/// According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing),
/// the concept of an alpha channel was first introduced by Alvy Ray Smith in
/// the late 1970s, and fully developed in a 1984 paper by Thomas Porter and
/// Tom Duff. In a 2D image element, which stores a color for each pixel, the
/// additional transparency data is stored in the alpha channel...
/// @return  Returns a percentage from 0 (completely transparent) to 100 (fully opaque)
///              that indicates the color's alpha channel transparency.
/// @see SetAlpha() to set a new alpha channel value
int GetAlpha() const;


Returns the alpha channel value of this color, represented as a percentage. A value of 0% means completely transparent, while 100% means fully opaque.

According to Wikipedia, the concept of an alpha channel was first introduced by Alvy Ray Smith in the late 1970s, and fully developed in a 1984 paper by Thomas Porter and Tom Duff. In a 2D image element, which stores a color for each pixel, the additional transparency data is stored in the alpha channel...


Based on that suggestion, what appeared to work instead was "escaping the space" as /// Brief description.\ Brief description continued. I'm not convinced that's an actual "feature" of Doxygen

这是 manual 中记录的官方功能:

If you enable this option and want to put a dot in the middle of a sentence without ending it, you should put a backslash and a space after it. Here is an example:

/** Brief description (e.g.\ using only a few words). Details follow. */

我已经为关于 \. 的文档提交了错误报告 (Bugzilla #782373)。