Zend Routing——从 URL 中使用 & 而不是斜线抓取变量 - Tapjoy

Zend Routing -- Grabbing Variables from URL with Ampersands and not Slashes - Tapjoy

我目前正在创建尝试与 Tapjoy API 集成他们的回调 URL 请求,该请求以这种形式出现:


但是,使用 ZF1 -- Zend_Controller_Router_Route 似乎取决于由斜杠而不是&符号分隔的变量分隔。


>     $router->addRoute( 'api-tapjoy', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('api/tapjoy?snuid=:snuid&mac_address=:&mac_address&display_multiplier....etc.etc,
array('controller'=>'api', 'action' =>'tapjoy')));

每当我删除和号和初始问号并用斜杠替换它们时,它就会起作用。如何在使用 & 符号的同时正确接收 HTTP 请求?


我被this documentation on ZF1's website about routers:


The first parameter in the Zend_Controller_Router_Route constructor is a route definition that will be matched to a URL. Route definitions consist of static and dynamic parts separated by the slash ('/') character. Static parts are just simple text: author. Dynamic parts, called variables, are marked by prepending a colon to the variable name: :username.