for 循环错误 - 尝试使用循环来计算字母的重复次数

Error on the for loop - trying to use loop to count the repetition of letter

在 for 循环中,Java 小程序显示我有一个错误。我正在尝试使用 for 循环来计算字母的重复次数。

String countString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++){
// at the line below, my java applet says I have an error, and that the 
//"letterCounts" should be a int and not a string, but I need it to be a string
     String n = letterCounts[i];
     if (n.equals("0")) {
          countString = countString + "   ";
     } else if (n.length() == 1) {
          countString = countString + " " + n + " ";
     } else {
          countString = countString + n + " ";

你没有显示 letterCounts 的定义,但我敢打赌它是 int[] letterCounts

因此,由于 letterCountsint 的数组,您不能将其分配给 String

只需将 String n 更改为 int n 并将您与 n == 0 的比较即可,它应该有效。见下文:

    String countString = "";

    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
      int n = letterCounts[i];

      if (n == 0) {
        countString = countString + "   ";
      } else if (n < 10) {
        countString = countString + " " + n + " ";
      } else {
        countString = countString + n + " ";
