ADO 记录集不使用 DSN 返回字段值;使用连接字符串

ADO Recordset Not Returning Field Value With DSN; Does with Connection String


Function downloadsqltoexcel(conn As ADODB.Connection, sSQL As String, exceldestinationrangename As String, sqltablename As String, bDownload As Boolean, Optional ws As Worksheet) As Variant

'== Procedure Name: downloadsqltoexcel
'== Purpose: downloads SQL table data (or query data) to Excel named range or grabs a specific value from an SQL table
'== Notes: ensure that SQL table or query name and Excel named range are identical

Dim rsPubs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rsPubs = New ADODB.Recordset

Dim DestinationRange As Range
Dim sqlstring As String

Dim s As String

With rsPubs

    .ActiveConnection = conn
    .Open sSQL, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

    If bDownload Then 'if download switch is on, dump into Excel named range

        If ws Is Nothing Then
            Set DestinationRange = Range(exceldestinationrangename)
            Set DestinationRange = ws.Range(exceldestinationrangename)
        End If

        With DestinationRange
            .CopyFromRecordset rsPubs
        End With

        '.... more code below that is not relevant


Dim conPDDB As New ADODB.Connection
conPDDB.Open "myConnectionString" - see below

Dim sSQL as String
sSQL = "SELECT ... "

downloadsqltoexcel conPDDB, sSQL, "DSN", "", True, Sheet1

如果我将硬编码连接字符串传递到 myConnectionString,我会得到我想要的结果。如果我传递 DSN 连接字符串,最后一列数据不会转储到 Excel.


Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=MYSERVER;Initial Catalog=MYDB;User Id=MYUID;Password=MYPWD

DSN=PDDB_QA;UID=MYUID;PWD=MYPWD (DSN configmirrors connection string)

字段本身是 return,因为当我将 ?rsPubs.Fields(5).Value 打印到立即数 window 时,我在 return 中收到 AU,CI,GL,IM,PF。本例中最后的数据有逗号,但并不总是逗号。我试过使用 DSN 设置和 rs.Open 参数。徒劳无功。


我暂时将此作为答案,但我对解决方案不满意。 (我现在将实施,因为距离发布还有两周时间,而且还有 大量 的工作要做)。


.CopyFromRecordset rsPubs 行重构到下面,带来最后一列。

Dim r as Integer
r = 1
With DestinationRange

    '.CopyFromRecordset rsPubs

    Do Until rsPubs.EOF

        Dim c As Integer
        For c = 0 To rsPubs.Fields.Count - 1
            DestinationRange.Cells(r, c + 1).Value = rsPubs.Fields(c)

        r = r + 1


End With