需要对集合和项目的 MPMediaQuery 结果进行很好的解释

Need good explanation of MPMediaQuery results for collections and items

我需要一些帮助来理解 MPMediaQuery 以及如何访问结果,以便我可以使用带有 setQueue(with:) 的查询。


在我的音乐库中,我有一位艺术家有 3 张专辑。 我的目标是查询这 3 张专辑,按顺序排列每首曲目:

当我使用这个查询时,Albums/songs 没有按预期排列。 尽管没有打开随机播放,它们几乎看起来是随机播放的。

var qryArtists = MPMediaQuery()
qryArtists = MPMediaQuery.artists()
qryArtists.groupingType = MPMediaGrouping.albumArtist
let currLoc = qryArtists.collectionSections![indexPath.section].range.location
myMP.setQueue(with: qryArtists.collections![indexPath.row + currLoc])
for junk in qryArtists.collections![indexPath.row + currLoc].items{
    print(" collections title \(junk.albumTitle!) track \(junk.albumTrackNumber) song \(junk.title!)")


collections title Cosmic Thing track 8 song Channel Z collections title Cosmic Thing track 1 song Cosmic Thing collections title Wild Planet track 6 song Devil In My Car collections title Wild Planet track 2 song Dirty Back Road collections title Wild Planet track 4 song Give Me Back My Man collections title Cosmic Thing track 5 song June Bug collections title Wild Planet track 1 song Party Out Of Bounds collections title Wild Planet track 5 song Private Idaho collections title Wild Planet track 7 song Quiche Lorraine collections title Cosmic Thing track 6 song Roam collections title The B-52's track 15 song Rock Lobster collections title Wild Planet track 3 song Runnin' Around collections title Wild Planet track 8 song Strobe Light collections title Cosmic Thing track 9 song Topaz collections title Wild Planet track 9 song 53 Miles West Of Venus

请注意 Albums/Songs 的顺序不正确


for junk in newQry.items!{
    print("items title \(junk.albumTitle!) track \(junk.albumTrackNumber) song \(junk.title!)")


items title The B-52's track 15 song Rock Lobster items title Cosmic Thing track 1 song Cosmic Thing items title Cosmic Thing track 5 song June Bug items title Cosmic Thing track 6 song Roam items title Cosmic Thing track 8 song Channel Z items title Cosmic Thing track 9 song Topaz items title Wild Planet track 1 song Party Out Of Bounds items title Wild Planet track 2 song Dirty Back Road items title Wild Planet track 3 song Runnin' Around items title Wild Planet track 4 song Give Me Back My Man items title Wild Planet track 5 song Private Idaho items title Wild Planet track 6 song Devil In My Car items title Wild Planet track 7 song Quiche Lorraine items title Wild Planet track 8 song Strobe Light items title Wild Planet track 9 song 53 Miles West Of Venus

此外,另一个非常奇怪的效果:如果我设置 MusicPlayer 查询:

myMP.setQueue(with: newQry)

然后发出相同的 'items' 打印语句,结果现在以与 'collections' 版本完全相同的方式混合!


因为我不能 setQueuenewQry.items,我如何建立一个队列以按预期顺序获取专辑和歌曲?

好的,我通过更多的研究自己解决了这个问题。 这里的技巧是使用正确排序的 ITEMS,并构建一个新的 Collection 用作队列。


let collection = MPMediaItemCollection(items: newQry.items!)

然后更改 setQueue 函数:

myMP.setQueue(with: collection)

这是最终的工作代码块 - 与上面我原来的 post OP 比较:

    let newQry = MPMediaQuery.albums()
            value: artistArray[indexPath.row + currLoc],
            forProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyAlbumArtist,
            comparisonType: .equalTo
    //build a new collection with the sorted items then load the collection!
    let collection = MPMediaItemCollection(items: newQry.items!)
    myMP.setQueue(with: collection)