提供者 'kk' 必须 return 来自 $get 工厂方法的值

Provider 'kk' must return a value from $get factory method

一年半前,我写了一个 angular 应用程序,它使用这个 authSrv 在我的后端使用 API 登录和注销用户,它运行良好。我只是再次尝试 运行 相同的代码,我得到了 Error: [$injector:undef] Provider 'authSrv' must return a value from $get factory method.


app.factory('authSrv', function ($rootScope, $http, $auth, $state, config, $q) {

    var deferred = $q.defer();

    this.login = function (email, password) {
        // Show loading dialog

        var credentials = {
            email: email,
            password: password

        return $auth.login(credentials)
                function (result) {
                    $http.get(config.server + 'restricted/user')
                        .then(function (response) {
                            // Stringify the returned data to prepare it
                            // to go into local storage
                            var user = JSON.stringify(response.data.user);

                            // Set the stringified user data into local storage
                            localStorage.setItem('user', user);

                            // The user's authenticated state gets flipped to
                            // true so we can now show parts of the UI that rely
                            // on the user being logged in
                            $rootScope.auth = true;

                            // Putting the user's data on $rootScope allows
                            // us to access it anywhere across the app
                            $rootScope.currentUser = response.data.user;

                            // Remove loading dialog

                            // Everything worked out so we can now redirect to
                            // the users state to view the data

                            // promise is returned
                            return deferred.promise;
                function (error) {
                    // the following line rejects the promise

                    // Remove loading dialog

                    // promise is returned
                    return deferred.promise;

    this.logout = function () {
        // Show loading dialog

        $auth.logout().then(function () {
            // Remove the authenticated user from local storage

            // Flip authenticated to false so that we no longer
            // show UI elements dependant on the user being logged in
            $rootScope.auth = false;

            // Remove the current user info from rootscope
            $rootScope.currentUser = null;

            $state.go('app.auth').then(function () {
                // Remove loading dialog


您应该使用 app.service(),而不是 app.factory()。工厂是一个应该创建和 return 服务实例的函数。您的函数是一个构造函数,它初始化 this。这就是 service() 的目的。