Magento 单页结帐 "Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time"

Magento onepage checkout "Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time"

在 magento 购物网站中,我的管理设置是:

Allowed countries : United Arab Emirates.
Enabled Shipping methods are.
flat Rate : 10 AED
Free Shipping


当我启用单页结帐时它显示 Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time.. 只有当我启用单页结帐选项时。

基本上这个声明是指 Magento 没有输入地址的送货方式你的配置缓存是陈旧的 并且没有此设置已保存。

Please try entering an address for United Arab Emirates in one page checkout and after you flush all of your caches try again.