将未加入域的 PC 连接到 Azure 中的单个服务器

connect non domain joined PC to a single Server in Azure

我有一个应用程序,不同的客户端将连接到 Azure。我的每个客户都需要从他们的本地网络连接到他们自己在 Azure 中的相应服务器。

我可以从我的每个客户 PC 创建哪种连接(P2S、S2S)以仅连接到他们在 Azure 中的服务器?


Site-to-Site configurations are between your on-premises location and Azure. This means that you can connect from any of your computers located on your premises to any virtual machine or role instance within your virtual network, depending on how you choose to configure routing. This type of connection relies on an IPsec VPN appliance (hardware or soft appliance), which must be deployed at the edge of your network. To create this type of connection, you must have the required VPN hardware and an externally facing IPv4 address.

如果我的理解是正确的,你的客户客户端不在一个位置,他们有不同的私有IP。据我所知,您无法使用 S2S VPN。

Point-to-Site configurations let you connect from a single computer from anywhere to anything located in your virtual network.

P2S VPN 不需要 VPN 设备。它更适合您的场景。

有关 Site-to-Site 连接和 Point-to-Site 连接之间差异的更多信息,请参阅此 link