如何在 Scala 中使用 Akka 实现 parent-children 模型?
How to implement parent-children model with Akka in Scala?
我想用 Scala 和 Akka 实现一个小的 HTTP 服务器。具体来说,我想要两种演员:EmployeeRouterActor 和 EmployeeEchoActor。
第一个,我想像路由器一样使用它,我的意思是,actor 接收所有消息并且它必须为每条消息创建一个 child(在本例中为 EmployeeEchoActor)。
此外,在child完成它的过程后,child必须死掉。我认为 parent 是谁必须控制他们 children 的生命周期。
在 Akka 文档中,我只看到关于使用单个 child,例如 this
我该怎么做? Akka 站点是否有任何示例或任何其他文档?
object EmployeeRouterActor {
final case class Employee(id: String, name: String)
final case object StopChild
final case class ChildResponse(id: String, data: String)
final class EmployeeRouterActor extends Actor {
import EmployeeRouterActor._
// Make a map which will store child actors
private var children = Map.empty[String, ActorRef]
override def receive: Receive = {
case e @ Employee(id, _) => getChild(id) ! e
case ChildResponse(id, _) => stopChild(id)
// Check whether child exists in context of this actor.
// If it doesn't, create new one.
private def getChild(id: String): ActorRef =
context.child(id).getOrElse {
val child = context.actorOf(EmployeeEchoActor.apply(), id)
children += (id -> child)
private def stopChild(id: String) = {
children(id) ! StopChild
children -= id
object EmployeeEchoActor {
def apply(): Props = Props(new EmployeeEchoActor)
final class EmployeeEchoActor extends Actor {
// self.path.name to access its id
override def receive: Receive = {
case EmployeeRouterActor.Employee =>
// do stuff with Employee message...
context.parent ! EmployeeRouterActor.ChildResponse(self.path.name, "Done!") // Or pipeTo(context.parent)
case EmployeeRouterActor.StopChild => context.stop(self)
基本上,child 个演员被创建并存储在 Map
中。当他们完成任务时,他们会回复 parent 的响应消息,然后停止他们。
我想用 Scala 和 Akka 实现一个小的 HTTP 服务器。具体来说,我想要两种演员:EmployeeRouterActor 和 EmployeeEchoActor。
第一个,我想像路由器一样使用它,我的意思是,actor 接收所有消息并且它必须为每条消息创建一个 child(在本例中为 EmployeeEchoActor)。
此外,在child完成它的过程后,child必须死掉。我认为 parent 是谁必须控制他们 children 的生命周期。
在 Akka 文档中,我只看到关于使用单个 child,例如 this
我该怎么做? Akka 站点是否有任何示例或任何其他文档?
object EmployeeRouterActor {
final case class Employee(id: String, name: String)
final case object StopChild
final case class ChildResponse(id: String, data: String)
final class EmployeeRouterActor extends Actor {
import EmployeeRouterActor._
// Make a map which will store child actors
private var children = Map.empty[String, ActorRef]
override def receive: Receive = {
case e @ Employee(id, _) => getChild(id) ! e
case ChildResponse(id, _) => stopChild(id)
// Check whether child exists in context of this actor.
// If it doesn't, create new one.
private def getChild(id: String): ActorRef =
context.child(id).getOrElse {
val child = context.actorOf(EmployeeEchoActor.apply(), id)
children += (id -> child)
private def stopChild(id: String) = {
children(id) ! StopChild
children -= id
object EmployeeEchoActor {
def apply(): Props = Props(new EmployeeEchoActor)
final class EmployeeEchoActor extends Actor {
// self.path.name to access its id
override def receive: Receive = {
case EmployeeRouterActor.Employee =>
// do stuff with Employee message...
context.parent ! EmployeeRouterActor.ChildResponse(self.path.name, "Done!") // Or pipeTo(context.parent)
case EmployeeRouterActor.StopChild => context.stop(self)
基本上,child 个演员被创建并存储在 Map
中。当他们完成任务时,他们会回复 parent 的响应消息,然后停止他们。