自从我迁移到 Unity 5.6 后,屏幕淡入淡出在 Daydream VR 中不起作用

Screen fade not working in Daydream VR since I migrated to Unity 5.6

我正在构建 DayDream VR 游戏。我以前有一个脚本可以在用户单击某处更改 levels/scenes.


自从我迁移到 Unity 5.6 / Google VR SDK 1.2 后,任何淡入淡出的效果都停止了。但它仍然可以在我的桌面上以预览模式运行。这是因为他们改变了相机的工作方式。我在网上尝试过不同的脚本,但 none 的脚本都有效,请问有人知道如何在场景变化时使屏幕淡入淡出吗?


// Derived from OVRScreenFade
float elapsedTime = 0.0f;
Color color = fadeColor;
color.a = 0.0f;
fadeMaterial.color = color;
while (elapsedTime < fadeTime)
    yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
    elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
    color.a = Mathf.Clamp01(elapsedTime / fadeTime);
    fadeMaterial.color = color;

我也尝试过使用 Autofade 脚本。正如我提到的,在我的桌面上尝试游戏时它们都可以工作,它们只是在 Android phone 上不起作用 :(.



public Material fadeMaterial = null; //starts NULL

        //applied to cameras inside a function
        foreach (Camera c in Camera.allCameras)
            var fadeControl = c.gameObject.AddComponent<ScreenFadeControl>();
            fadeControl.fadeMaterial = fadeMaterial;





  1. In Unity add a Panel (make sure that it covers the whole screen).
  2. Make a new Material and attach it to the Panel.
  3. The Material should have Rendering Mode set to Transparent.
  4. Attach the following Script to the Panel.
public Material m;
public float _colorSpeed = 0.01f;
private Color c;
private bool start = false;

void Update()
    if (start)
        if (c.a < 1.0f)
            c.a = c.a + _colorSpeed;
        m.color = c;
public void Fade()
    c = m.color;
    c.a = 0.0f;
    start = true;
  1. Call the Fade() method when necessary.
    Hope that solves your problem!