您如何解决 yarn.lock 中的 Git 冲突

How do you resolve Git conflicts in yarn.lock

当多个Git分支修改使用Yarn的项目中的依赖项时,很可能会在yarn.lock文件中引入冲突。删除并重新生成 yarn.lock 文件不是一个好主意,因为这可能会导致无意中升级多个包。快速解决此文件中冲突的最佳方法是什么?

this github discussion 中详细介绍了一个很好的方法。

git rebase origin/master

When the first conflict arises, I checkout the yarn.lock then re-perform the installation

git checkout origin/master -- yarn.lock 
yarn install

This generates a new yarn.lock based on the origin/master version of yarn.lock, but including the changes I made to my package.json. Then it's just a matter of:

git add yarn.lock
git rebase --continue

Since Yarn 1.0 这很容易,因为它内置了对这种情况的支持。


$ yarn install

yarn install v1.0.1
info Merge conflict detected in yarn.lock and successfully merged.
[1/4] Resolving packages...


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