Algolia 切面属性多个值

Algolia facet attribute multiple values

我有一个属性 "bodyType",它有多个值,如轿车、suv、coupe 等。如果我想搜索轿车,我应用 [@"bodytype:sedan"] 之类的 facetFilters 并且它有效很好,但如果我想同时看到轿车和 suv,那么我会执行 [@"bodyType:sedan"、@"bodyType:suv"] 并且结果 returns 为零。我正在使用 objective c ios sdk.


快速查看了文档,听起来 filters 属性 可以满足您的需求:

 * Filter the query with numeric, facet or/and tag filters. The syntax is a SQL like syntax, you can use the OR and AND keywords.
 * The syntax for the underlying numeric, facet and tag filters is the same than in the other filters:
 * available=1 AND (category:Book OR NOT category:Ebook) AND public
 * date: 1441745506 TO 1441755506 AND inStock > 0 AND author:"John Doe"
 * The list of keywords is:
 * OR: create a disjunctive filter between two filters.
 * AND: create a conjunctive filter between two filters.
 * TO: used to specify a range for a numeric filter.
 * NOT: used to negate a filter. The syntax with the ‘-‘ isn’t allowed.
@property (nonatomic) NSString             *filters;


NSString *filterString = @"bodyType:sedan OR bodyType:suv";

ASRemoteIndex *indexForClient = [self getIndex:BASIC_INDEX_NAME]; 
ASQuery *newQuery = [[ASQuery alloc] init]; 
[newQuery setHitsPerPage:[HITS_PER_PAGE integerValue]]; 
[newQuery setPage:pageNumber]; 

if (filtersString) { 
    [newQuery setFilters:filtersString]; 

if (tagFilters) { 
    [newQuery setFullTextQuery:tagFilters]; 

if (filterString.length) { 
    [newQuery setFilters:filterString]; 

使用 facetFilters 时,顶级过滤器是隐式连接的(即与 AND 运算符组合)。这就是您看不到任何结果的原因:两个结果集的交集为空。

要提供析取过滤器(OR 运算符),请使用嵌套数组,如 documentation:


[["bodyType:sedan", "bodyType:suv"]]

filtersbodyType:sedan OR bodyType:suv 一起使用也可以。