Alexa 技能未发送正确的意图

Alexa skill not sending the correct intent

我正在编写的 Alexa 技能有以下设置:


  "intents": [
      "intent": "AddToGroceriesIntent",
      "slots": [
          "name": "GroceriesItems",
          "type": "GROCERIES_ITEMS"
      "intent": "GetGroceriesIntent"
      "intent": "ClearGroceriesIntent"
      "intent": "AMAZON.HelpIntent"
      "intent": "AMAZON.StopIntent"
      "intent": "AMAZON.CancelIntent"


AddToGroceriesIntent to add {GroceriesItems}
AddToGroceriesIntent to add {GroceriesItems} to shopping list
AddToGroceriesIntent to add {GroceriesItems} to the shopping list
AddToGroceriesIntent to add {GroceriesItems} to the list
GetGroceriesIntent list
GetGroceriesIntent shopping list
GetGroceriesIntent for the shopping list
GetGroceriesIntent for the list
GetGroceriesIntent what's on my shopping list
GetGroceriesIntent what's on the shopping list
GetGroceriesIntent what's on the list
GetGroceriesIntent what's on my list
GetGroceriesIntent what is on my shopping list
GetGroceriesIntent what is on the shopping list
GetGroceriesIntent what is on the list
GetGroceriesIntent what is on my list
ClearGroceriesIntent to clear my shopping list
ClearGroceriesIntent to clear my list
ClearGroceriesIntent to clear the shopping list
ClearGroceriesIntent to clear the list
ClearGroceriesIntent to empty my shopping list
ClearGroceriesIntent to empty my list
ClearGroceriesIntent to empty the shopping list
ClearGroceriesIntent to empty the list
ClearGroceriesIntent to delete my shopping list
ClearGroceriesIntent to delete my list
ClearGroceriesIntent to delete the shopping list
ClearGroceriesIntent to delete the list

当 Alexa 听到:

alexa ask my app to clear my shopping list

正如预期的那样,发送了正确的 ClearGroceriesIntent。然而,当 Alexa 听到:

alexa ask my app to clear the shopping list

改为发送 GetGroceriesIntent

Service Simulator 无法复制此问题 - 它工作正常。它只是在语音中变得混乱,即使(根据历史)Alexa 听到了与我在测试表格中输入的内容完全相同的内容。

(所有 AddToGroceriesIntent 和 GetGroceriesIntent 语句都按预期工作)

一个可能有用的建议是更改您的示例话语以删除连接词 - 在您的情况下 'to' 和 'for' 不应该出现在示例话语中,参考 these docs under 'Invoking a Skill with a Specific Request (Intent)'. I'm not sure if that will fix the problem but good to do anyway. If the problem persists, you may have a situation that maps to this discussion 关于 NLP 如何总是 returns 你的意图之一——即使它不理解,它也只是选择一个。也许它在不理解时会例行地选择 GetGroceriesIntent。