在 Ionic 2 中使用 Twilio 进行双因素身份验证
Two Factor Authentication using Twilio in Ionic 2
我想知道是否可以使用 Twilio 和 Ionic 2 来实现 2fa。我曾尝试寻找教程,但到目前为止还没有成功。如果没有办法,有没有别的办法?任何帮助,将不胜感激。非常感谢!!
此处为 Twilio 开发人员布道师。
我们还没有专门使用 Ionic 构建 2FA 的教程,但这肯定是可能的。我首先查看我们关于 building 2FA with Authy 的教程,看看您是否可以将其应用于 Ionic。
我正在尝试这个。并在论坛上找到了详细的分步说明。还提示有关为 phone #'s 保存和配置 2FA 代码。我无法 post 截屏,因为我的声誉还不够高,但我 post 论坛的一部分和下面的要点..它还有更多的脚注链接。
发布者 NoGoodDeed 在 https://productforums.google.com/forum/m/#!starred/gmail/ErW7gPYpIaQ:
...Is it possible that it is on google end do to app passwords...
Before I give some instructions and links, I want to confirm somethings. Do you have a Gmail account?
- If not: Go [1] HERE and click on the red CREATE AN ACCOUNT button to get started.
- A Gmail account will end in @gmail.com, so do not use your own email address when creating an account.
- If so: Go to the next question.
Do you have namesilo configured to send emails to the above Gmail address?
- If not: Please do so.
- Unfortunately, I can't help you with that.
- If so: Good. Go on to the next step.
With a computer, go to mail.google.com and sign into (if needed) to the Gmail account that you have namesilo forwarding emails to.
Then [2] Turn On 2-Step Verification. With 2-Step, you have some more options.
- I suggest that you [3] Install Google Authenticator instead of just having a SMS or Voice call come to your phone.
- Instead of using the official Google Authenticator app, I recommend using the [4] Authy app.
The Google Authenticator and Authy apps are free & Google doesn't charge you to set up or use 2-Factor
我想知道是否可以使用 Twilio 和 Ionic 2 来实现 2fa。我曾尝试寻找教程,但到目前为止还没有成功。如果没有办法,有没有别的办法?任何帮助,将不胜感激。非常感谢!!
此处为 Twilio 开发人员布道师。
我们还没有专门使用 Ionic 构建 2FA 的教程,但这肯定是可能的。我首先查看我们关于 building 2FA with Authy 的教程,看看您是否可以将其应用于 Ionic。
我正在尝试这个。并在论坛上找到了详细的分步说明。还提示有关为 phone #'s 保存和配置 2FA 代码。我无法 post 截屏,因为我的声誉还不够高,但我 post 论坛的一部分和下面的要点..它还有更多的脚注链接。 祝你好运。
发布者 NoGoodDeed 在 https://productforums.google.com/forum/m/#!starred/gmail/ErW7gPYpIaQ:
...Is it possible that it is on google end do to app passwords...
Before I give some instructions and links, I want to confirm somethings. Do you have a Gmail account?
- If not: Go [1] HERE and click on the red CREATE AN ACCOUNT button to get started.
- A Gmail account will end in @gmail.com, so do not use your own email address when creating an account.
- If so: Go to the next question.
Do you have namesilo configured to send emails to the above Gmail address?
- If not: Please do so.
- Unfortunately, I can't help you with that.
- If so: Good. Go on to the next step.
With a computer, go to mail.google.com and sign into (if needed) to the Gmail account that you have namesilo forwarding emails to.
Then [2] Turn On 2-Step Verification. With 2-Step, you have some more options.
- I suggest that you [3] Install Google Authenticator instead of just having a SMS or Voice call come to your phone.
- Instead of using the official Google Authenticator app, I recommend using the [4] Authy app.
The Google Authenticator and Authy apps are free & Google doesn't charge you to set up or use 2-Factor