Swift: How to return a value from asynchronous operation?
我正在使用 SwiftyVK 和 SwiftyJSON 框架创建一个社交网络应用程序。有一个功能可以发送 post 和附加的照片。我们称它为 sendToVK()。以下是对其的简要回顾:
func sendToVK(message: String, photos: [UIImage]) {
// declaration of some vars and lets
var attachments = "" // this var should collect all the information about
//photos to attach, for example: "photo123456_987654,photo123456_612366,photo123456_123156",
// where 123456 is id of the user, whose wall I'm going post to (I already have it),
// numbers after "_" are id of the photo, they are contained in the server's response
// in case of successful upload
for photo in photos {
// I'm uploading photos in this loop, and I assume that I have to get
//the ID's of my photos from server's response also somewhere in this loop in order to work with them further
//Let's say photoString is someString + photoID, for example, photoString == "photo12345_9876543"
var photoID = ""
//the following function is uploading photos asynchronously.
//It is also responsible for getting IDs from server's response
VK.API.Upload.Photo.toWall.toUser(media, userId: userIDForVK).send(
onSuccess: { response in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto success \n \(response)")
photoID = response[0,"id"].stringValue }, //this is SwiftyJSON syntax
onError: { error in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto fail \n \(error)") },
onProgress: { done, total in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto progress: \(done) of \(total))") }
photoString = something + photoID //by this moment photoID is empty, that's the problem! (see explanation below)
attachments += photoString
//At this moment I must have all the neccessary parameters
//in the var wallPostParameters, including attachments!
onSuccess: {response in print(response)},
onError: {error in print(error)},
onProgress: {done, total in print(" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! send \(done) of \(total)")}
所以确切的问题是,在循环内,上传任务被分派到另一个线程,服务器的响应分别在另一个时间到达其他地方。事实上,现在我需要用 photoStrings 填充 attachments 字符串(就在调用 VK.API.Wall.post( )),其实是这样的形式,比如"photo123456_,photo123456_,photo123456_",即没有照片ID,因为这些照片还没有上传到另一个线程,所以这些ID没有添加到附件.
问题是,我如何在 Swift 中实现在循环的每次迭代中我们不继续而是等待照片上传,将其 id 添加到 photoString 将这些 photoString 收集到 attachments 中,因此在调用 VK.API.Wall.post() 之前一切都准备就绪去吗?
func sendToVK(message: String, photos: [UIImage]) {
var attachments = ""
var photosUploaded = 0
for photo in photos {
var photoID = ""
VK.API.Upload.Photo.toWall.toUser(media, userId: userIDForVK).send(
onSuccess: { response in
photosUploaded += 1
photoID = response[0,"id"].stringValue
photoString = something + photoID
attachments += photoString
if photosUploaded == photos.count {
onSuccess: {response in print(response)},
onError: {error in print(error)},
onProgress: {done, total in print(" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! send \(done) of \(total)")}
}, //this is SwiftyJSON syntax
onError: { error in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto fail \n \(error)") },
onProgress: { done, total in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto progress: \(done) of \(total))") }
private static func sendToVK(_ message: String, photos: [UIImage], userIDForVK: String) {
var wallPostParameters = Dictionary<VK.Arg, String>()
wallPostParameters[VK.Arg.message] = message
var attachments = ""
var successfulUploadsCount = 0
let sendPostWorkItem = DispatchWorkItem {
onSuccess: {response in print(response)},
onError: {error in print(error)},
onProgress: {done, total in print("\n send \(done) of \(total)\n")} )
for photo in photos {
let media = Media(imageData: Data(UIImageJPEGRepresentation(photo, 1.0)!), type: Media.ImageType.JPG)
VK.API.Upload.Photo.toWall.toUser(media, userId: userIDForVK).send(
onSuccess: { response in
let photoID = response[0,"id"].stringValue
let photoString = "photo" + userIDForVK + "_" + photoID
if attachments.isEmpty {
attachments = photoString
} else {
attachments += "," + photoString
successfulUploadsCount += 1
if successfulUploadsCount == photos.count {
wallPostParameters[VK.Arg.attachments] = attachments
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto success \n \(response)\n") },
onError: { error in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto fail \n \(error)\n") },
onProgress: { done, total in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto progress: \(done) of \(total))\n") } )
if photos.isEmpty {
我正在使用 SwiftyVK 和 SwiftyJSON 框架创建一个社交网络应用程序。有一个功能可以发送 post 和附加的照片。我们称它为 sendToVK()。以下是对其的简要回顾:
func sendToVK(message: String, photos: [UIImage]) {
// declaration of some vars and lets
var attachments = "" // this var should collect all the information about
//photos to attach, for example: "photo123456_987654,photo123456_612366,photo123456_123156",
// where 123456 is id of the user, whose wall I'm going post to (I already have it),
// numbers after "_" are id of the photo, they are contained in the server's response
// in case of successful upload
for photo in photos {
// I'm uploading photos in this loop, and I assume that I have to get
//the ID's of my photos from server's response also somewhere in this loop in order to work with them further
//Let's say photoString is someString + photoID, for example, photoString == "photo12345_9876543"
var photoID = ""
//the following function is uploading photos asynchronously.
//It is also responsible for getting IDs from server's response
VK.API.Upload.Photo.toWall.toUser(media, userId: userIDForVK).send(
onSuccess: { response in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto success \n \(response)")
photoID = response[0,"id"].stringValue }, //this is SwiftyJSON syntax
onError: { error in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto fail \n \(error)") },
onProgress: { done, total in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto progress: \(done) of \(total))") }
photoString = something + photoID //by this moment photoID is empty, that's the problem! (see explanation below)
attachments += photoString
//At this moment I must have all the neccessary parameters
//in the var wallPostParameters, including attachments!
onSuccess: {response in print(response)},
onError: {error in print(error)},
onProgress: {done, total in print(" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! send \(done) of \(total)")}
所以确切的问题是,在循环内,上传任务被分派到另一个线程,服务器的响应分别在另一个时间到达其他地方。事实上,现在我需要用 photoStrings 填充 attachments 字符串(就在调用 VK.API.Wall.post( )),其实是这样的形式,比如"photo123456_,photo123456_,photo123456_",即没有照片ID,因为这些照片还没有上传到另一个线程,所以这些ID没有添加到附件.
问题是,我如何在 Swift 中实现在循环的每次迭代中我们不继续而是等待照片上传,将其 id 添加到 photoString 将这些 photoString 收集到 attachments 中,因此在调用 VK.API.Wall.post() 之前一切都准备就绪去吗?
func sendToVK(message: String, photos: [UIImage]) {
var attachments = ""
var photosUploaded = 0
for photo in photos {
var photoID = ""
VK.API.Upload.Photo.toWall.toUser(media, userId: userIDForVK).send(
onSuccess: { response in
photosUploaded += 1
photoID = response[0,"id"].stringValue
photoString = something + photoID
attachments += photoString
if photosUploaded == photos.count {
onSuccess: {response in print(response)},
onError: {error in print(error)},
onProgress: {done, total in print(" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! send \(done) of \(total)")}
}, //this is SwiftyJSON syntax
onError: { error in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto fail \n \(error)") },
onProgress: { done, total in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto progress: \(done) of \(total))") }
private static func sendToVK(_ message: String, photos: [UIImage], userIDForVK: String) {
var wallPostParameters = Dictionary<VK.Arg, String>()
wallPostParameters[VK.Arg.message] = message
var attachments = ""
var successfulUploadsCount = 0
let sendPostWorkItem = DispatchWorkItem {
onSuccess: {response in print(response)},
onError: {error in print(error)},
onProgress: {done, total in print("\n send \(done) of \(total)\n")} )
for photo in photos {
let media = Media(imageData: Data(UIImageJPEGRepresentation(photo, 1.0)!), type: Media.ImageType.JPG)
VK.API.Upload.Photo.toWall.toUser(media, userId: userIDForVK).send(
onSuccess: { response in
let photoID = response[0,"id"].stringValue
let photoString = "photo" + userIDForVK + "_" + photoID
if attachments.isEmpty {
attachments = photoString
} else {
attachments += "," + photoString
successfulUploadsCount += 1
if successfulUploadsCount == photos.count {
wallPostParameters[VK.Arg.attachments] = attachments
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto success \n \(response)\n") },
onError: { error in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto fail \n \(error)\n") },
onProgress: { done, total in
print("\n SwiftyVK: uploadPhoto progress: \(done) of \(total))\n") } )
if photos.isEmpty {