
Is there a way to obtain a milliseconds to days conversion without losing precision and without the need to write the mathematical formula in Java?

我使用 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(ms) 将毫秒时间量转换为天数,但在阅读 JavaDoc 时我注意到它基于 .convert() 并失去了精度

Convert the given time duration in the given unit to this unit. Conversions from finer to coarser granularities truncate, so lose precision. For example converting 999 milliseconds to seconds results in 0. Conversions from coarser to finer granularities with arguments that would numerically overflow saturate to Long.MIN_VALUE if negative or Long.MAX_VALUE if positive.


double days= (double)ms/1000*60*60*24;



反过来使用 TimeUnit:

double days = ms / (double) TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1);