Why does principal component analysis give me drastically different results?
我四处搜索,发现 PCA(主成分分析)是一种获取 blob 方向的好方法,通过向 PCA 算法提供所有点坐标:
但是复制确切的算法,我得到了非常令人惊讶的结果。给定形状相似的区域,PCA 算法 returns 完全不同的特征向量。它们看起来垂直:
上面的线条是按照 PCA 算法给出的斜率渲染的,有轻微的随机变化。
import numpy as np
# I tried passing different set of points to pca:
# 1. Only points at the perimeter of the area
# 2. Random sample of points within the area
# 3. All points in the area
# points are like [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ... ]
def pca(points):
xs, ys = zip(*points)
x = np.array(xs)
y = np.array(ys)
# Subtract mean from each dimension. We now have our 2xm matrix.
x = x - np.mean(x)
y = y - np.mean(y)
coords = np.vstack([x, y])
# Covariance matrix and its eigenvectors and eigenvalues
cov = np.cov(coords)
vals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(cov)
# Sort eigenvalues in decreasing order (we only have 2 values)
sort_indices = np.argsort(vals)[::-1]
evec1, evec2 = evecs[:, sort_indices] # Eigenvector with largest eigenvalue
eval1, eval2 = vals[sort_indices[0]], vals[sort_indices[1]]
print("PCA:", evec1, evec2, eval1, eval2)
return evec1, evec2, eval1, eval2
我尝试将不同的点集传递给 pca:
- 仅指向区域周边
- 区域内点的随机样本
- 区域内的所有点
evec1, evec2 = evecs[:, sort_indices]
特征向量在列中,但该分配将 evecs[:, sort_indices]
的第一行 行 分配给 evec1
,将第二行分配给 evec2
evec1, evec2 = evecs[:, sort_indices].T
我四处搜索,发现 PCA(主成分分析)是一种获取 blob 方向的好方法,通过向 PCA 算法提供所有点坐标:
但是复制确切的算法,我得到了非常令人惊讶的结果。给定形状相似的区域,PCA 算法 returns 完全不同的特征向量。它们看起来垂直:
上面的线条是按照 PCA 算法给出的斜率渲染的,有轻微的随机变化。
import numpy as np
# I tried passing different set of points to pca:
# 1. Only points at the perimeter of the area
# 2. Random sample of points within the area
# 3. All points in the area
# points are like [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ... ]
def pca(points):
xs, ys = zip(*points)
x = np.array(xs)
y = np.array(ys)
# Subtract mean from each dimension. We now have our 2xm matrix.
x = x - np.mean(x)
y = y - np.mean(y)
coords = np.vstack([x, y])
# Covariance matrix and its eigenvectors and eigenvalues
cov = np.cov(coords)
vals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(cov)
# Sort eigenvalues in decreasing order (we only have 2 values)
sort_indices = np.argsort(vals)[::-1]
evec1, evec2 = evecs[:, sort_indices] # Eigenvector with largest eigenvalue
eval1, eval2 = vals[sort_indices[0]], vals[sort_indices[1]]
print("PCA:", evec1, evec2, eval1, eval2)
return evec1, evec2, eval1, eval2
我尝试将不同的点集传递给 pca:
- 仅指向区域周边
- 区域内点的随机样本
- 区域内的所有点
evec1, evec2 = evecs[:, sort_indices]
特征向量在列中,但该分配将 evecs[:, sort_indices]
的第一行 行 分配给 evec1
,将第二行分配给 evec2
evec1, evec2 = evecs[:, sort_indices].T