使用 TestActorRef 测试 actor 崩溃
Testing actor crash using TestActorRef
我是演员新手,我正在学习如何使用 TestActorRef
package actors
import actors.GreetingActor.Hi
import akka.actor.Actor
object GreetingActor {
case class Hi()
class GreetingActor extends Actor {
var greeting = ""
override def receive: Receive = {
case Hi() =>
greeting = "Hi"
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported message")
override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) = {
println(s"actor is restarted because of ${reason.getMessage}")
我确信这段代码中的一切都按我想要的方式运行,但我无法在测试中显示它。特别是我不能展示最重要的事情之一,我的演员坠毁了。测试非常简单明了,我发送的消息不是 Hi()
并且应该以某种方式跟踪演员因 IllegalArgumentException
package actors
import actors.GreetingActor.Hi
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.testkit.{TestActorRef, TestKit}
import org.scalatest.{MustMatchers, WordSpecLike}
class GreetingActorTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("testsystem")) with WordSpecLike
with MustMatchers with StopSystemAfterAll {
"A Hello Actor" must {
"change state when it receives a message, single threaded" in {
val greetingActor = TestActorRef[GreetingActor]
greetingActor ! Hi()
greetingActor.underlyingActor.greeting mustBe "Hi"
"throw exception when it received unknown message, single threaded" in {
val greetingActor = TestActorRef[GreetingActor]
greetingActor ! "hi"
//some code that checks that actor crashed
问题是我如何在测试中跟踪我的演员使用 TestActorRef
"throw exception when it received unknown message, single threaded" in {
assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {
val greetingActor = TestActorRef[GreetingActor]
根据 actor 文档,您需要使用 receive 以免异常被吞没:
我是演员新手,我正在学习如何使用 TestActorRef
package actors
import actors.GreetingActor.Hi
import akka.actor.Actor
object GreetingActor {
case class Hi()
class GreetingActor extends Actor {
var greeting = ""
override def receive: Receive = {
case Hi() =>
greeting = "Hi"
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported message")
override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) = {
println(s"actor is restarted because of ${reason.getMessage}")
我确信这段代码中的一切都按我想要的方式运行,但我无法在测试中显示它。特别是我不能展示最重要的事情之一,我的演员坠毁了。测试非常简单明了,我发送的消息不是 Hi()
并且应该以某种方式跟踪演员因 IllegalArgumentException
package actors
import actors.GreetingActor.Hi
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.testkit.{TestActorRef, TestKit}
import org.scalatest.{MustMatchers, WordSpecLike}
class GreetingActorTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("testsystem")) with WordSpecLike
with MustMatchers with StopSystemAfterAll {
"A Hello Actor" must {
"change state when it receives a message, single threaded" in {
val greetingActor = TestActorRef[GreetingActor]
greetingActor ! Hi()
greetingActor.underlyingActor.greeting mustBe "Hi"
"throw exception when it received unknown message, single threaded" in {
val greetingActor = TestActorRef[GreetingActor]
greetingActor ! "hi"
//some code that checks that actor crashed
问题是我如何在测试中跟踪我的演员使用 TestActorRef
"throw exception when it received unknown message, single threaded" in {
assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {
val greetingActor = TestActorRef[GreetingActor]
根据 actor 文档,您需要使用 receive 以免异常被吞没: