Buildbot 不以默认配​​置启动

Buildbot does not start with default configuration

我想试试 buildbot。所以我按照教程做了这些:

sudo pip install virtualenv 'buildbot[bundle]' virtualenv bb-master source bb-master/bin/activate buildbot create-master master buildbot start


Following twistd.log until startup finished.. The buildmaster took more than 10 seconds to start, so we were unable to confirm that it started correctly. Please 'tail twistd.log' and look for a line that says 'BuildMaster is running' to verify correct startup.

twistd.log 是空的,我没有得到其他输出。我试过添加 --nodaemon 无济于事。还有其他人遇到这个问题吗?

Python 3.6.0,Buildbot 0.9.5,Twistd 17.1.0,Arch Linux(在 Alpine v3.5 上也试过,结果相同)

编辑:除了上述步骤外,我还按照说明将 master.cfg.sample 重命名为 master.cfg。

原来我是在Python 3, which is not yet supported.


在我看来,tutorial 有点不清楚,因为它在谈论 virtualenv 时包含 Python 2 和 Python 3 的部分。无论如何,我现在起来 运行!