Windows 服务器总线上的等效 Azure 工具(本地)

Equivalent of Azure tools on Windows Server Bus (On Premises)

我为 Windows 安装了 Windows Service Bus 1.0。

本页: 展示了一个基于 Web 的工具来管理 BUS,例如创建新队列。

"on-premises"版本有这样的东西吗?还是您必须将所有内容都写在代码中?我 运行 在 Windows 10 Home(目前),没有 IIS。如果我有 IIS,它会安装那些工具吗?我没有在此处的先决条件列表中看到 IIS:

Does such a thing exist on the "on-premises" version? Or do you have to everything in code? I'm running on Windows 10 Home (at the moment), and don't have IIS. If I had IIS, would it have installed those tools?

我假设您可以为 Windows 服务器利用 Service Bus 1.1,它可以与 Windows Azure Pack 集成以管理您的本地资源和服务。

作为release notes for Service Bus 1.1 mentioned that it supports management portal with the Windows Azure Pack整合如下:

Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server is a collection of Azure technologies, available to Microsoft customers at no additional cost for installation into your data center. It runs on top of Windows Server 2012 R2 and System Center 2012 R2 and, through the use of the Azure technologies, enables you to offer a rich, self-service, multi-tenant cloud, consistent with the public Azure management experience.

以下是 Windows Azure 包集成可用的新功能的亮点:

  • Service Bus tenant portal: Windows Azure Pack offers a rich tenant portal to manage IT resources and services. Messaging with Service Bus is one of the supported services, as well as Virtual Machines, Web sites, SQL databases, and more. The Windows Azure Pack portal enables a subscription-based user experience similar to the one found in Azure.
  • Service Bus admin experience: Windows Azure Pack offers an administrator experience that enables you to deploy, manage and monitor resources and services.
  • Azure PowerShell cmdlets: Windows Azure Pack supports Azure PowerShell management for IT services, including Service Bus.

我假设您可以按照以下步骤在本地构建管理 protal:

  • 按照此 link 安装 Windows Azure 包:服务总线 1.1

  • 安装和配置 Windows Azure Pack 管理站点,您可以参考此 tutorial 为 Windows 服务器部署 Windows Azure Pack .

  • 创建一个New Service Bus Farm。请注意,如果您希望在 Windows Azure Pack 门户中管理服务总线场,请在应用列出的选项之前单击 使用服务总线管理门户管理此场

  • 连接到您的 Windows 包管理站点,使管理员能够为 Windows 服务器使用服务总线,您可以参考这个 link.

有关使用配置向导为 Windows 服务器配置服务总线的详细信息,您可以参考此 tutorial