媒体基础 SetInputType returns "The stream number provided was invalid"

Media Foundation SetInputType returns "The stream number provided was invalid"

为了简单起见,我正在使用我机器上可用的软件 H264 编码器 MFT 开发 H.264 编码器(与我最终将使用的英特尔 QSV 硬件编码器相反)。根据一些教程,我整理了以下代码:

IMFTransform* encoder;
DWORD numInputs, numOutputs;
DWORD *inputIDs, *outputIDs;
MFRatio fps = { 24, 1 }, par = { 1, 1 };

if (FAILED(hr)) {
    return hr;

// Create the MFT
hr = FindVideoEncoder(false, true, true, &encoder);
if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

// Obtain number of streams attached to MFT
encoder->GetStreamCount(&numInputs, &numOutputs);

// Allocate appropriate size arrays
inputIDs = new DWORD[numInputs];
outputIDs = new DWORD[numOutputs];

// Obtain stream IDs
encoder->GetStreamIDs(numInputs, inputIDs, numOutputs, outputIDs);

// Set input and output types
IMFMediaType *inputType, *outputType;

CreateVideoType(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT, MFVideoInterlace_Unknown, fps, par,
    &outputType, MFMediaType_Video, MFVideoFormat_H264);
hr = encoder->SetOutputType(outputIDs[0], outputType, 0);
if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

CreateVideoType(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT, MFVideoInterlace_Unknown, fps, par,
    &inputType, MFMediaType_Video, MFVideoFormat_Base);
hr = encoder->SetInputType(inputIDs[0], inputType, 0);
if (FAILED(hr))
    return hr;

下一行代码失败,给出的 HRESULT 值为 "The stream number provided was invalid"。

hr = encoder->SetOutputType(outputIDs[0], outputType, 0);

我试图在 SetOutputType 之前调用 SetInputType,但是它产生了同样的错误。我究竟做错了什么?预先感谢您的回答。

编辑:添加了 CreateVideoType 函数以显示如何创建 outputType 和 inputType

HRESULT CreateVideoType(
    UINT32               width,
    UINT32               height,
    MFVideoInterlaceMode interlaceMode,
    const MFRatio&       frameRate,
    const MFRatio&       par,
    IMFMediaType         **ppType,
    GUID                 majorType,
    GUID                 subtype
    if (ppType == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;

    LONG    lStride = 0;
    UINT    cbImage = 0;

    IMFMediaType *pType = NULL;

    // Set the subtype GUID from the FOURCC or D3DFORMAT value.
    //subtype.Data1 = D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8;

    if (FAILED(MFCreateMediaType(&pType)))
        goto done;

    if (FAILED(pType->SetGUID(MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, majorType)))
        goto done;

    if (FAILED(pType->SetGUID(MF_MT_SUBTYPE, subtype)))
        goto done;

    if (FAILED(pType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE, interlaceMode)))
        goto done;

    if (FAILED(MFSetAttributeSize(pType, MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE, width, height)))
        goto done;

    // Calculate the default stride value.
    if (FAILED(pType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_DEFAULT_STRIDE, UINT32(lStride))))
        goto done;

    // Calculate the image size in bytes.
    if (FAILED(MFCalculateImageSize(subtype, width, height, &cbImage)))
        goto done;

    if (FAILED(pType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_SAMPLE_SIZE, cbImage)))
        goto done;

        goto done;

        goto done;

    // Frame rate
    if (FAILED(MFSetAttributeRatio(pType, MF_MT_FRAME_RATE, frameRate.Numerator, frameRate.Denominator)))
        goto done;

    // Pixel aspect ratio   
    if (FAILED(MFSetAttributeRatio(pType, MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO, par.Numerator, par.Denominator)))
        goto done;

    // Return the pointer to the caller.
    *ppType = pType;

    return S_OK;

Microsoft H264 编码器 MFT 未实现 GetStreamIDs- 它 returns E_NOTIMPL。您必须将输入和输出流 ID 设置为 0。

正如 Evgeny 在讨论中指出的那样,在代码运行之前有几个问题需要解决。将 inputIDoutputID 更改为 0 对 SetInputTypeSetOutputType 调用起到了作用,但是视频类型的创建存在一些问题。


CreateH264VideoType(FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT, MFVideoInterlace_Unknown, fps, par,
        &outputType, MFMediaType_Video, MFVideoFormat_H264);

在我删除的函数 CreateH264VideoType 中

 // Calculate the image size in bytes.

if (FAILED(MFCalculateImageSize(subtype, width, height, &cbImage)))
    goto done;


// Profile
if (FAILED(pType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_MPEG2_PROFILE, eAVEncH264VProfile_Base)))
    goto done;

// Bitrate
if (FAILED(pType->SetUINT32(MF_MT_AVG_BITRATE, 166723584)))
    goto done;

对于 CreateUncompressedVideoType,我删除了 MFCalculateImageSize 并添加了比特率属性集调用。这解决了编码器初始化错误。