Mobx 属性 作为函数而不是值返回

Mobx property returned as function instead of value

全名 getter returns 作为函数而不是值。

var person = mobx.observable({
    firstName: 'Matt',
    lastName: 'Ruby',
    age: 0,
    fullname: function() {
     return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName

console.log(person.fullname) // returns a function instead "Matt Ruby"

Fiddle here

自动推理已被删除。您需要明确 tag the function as a computed:

var person = mobx.observable({
    firstName: 'Matt',
    lastName: 'Ruby',
    age: 0,
    fullname: mobx.computed(function() {
        return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;


var person = mobx.observable({
    firstName: 'Matt',
    lastName: 'Ruby',
    age: 0,
    get fullname() {
        return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;