使用 val 的 Scala 构造函数不能很好地与序列化框架配合使用

Scala constructors using val not playing nicely with serialization framework

我遇到了一些 Scala 代码的问题,在我开始将其视为网络问题之前,我试图排除错误的 class 设计(好吧,构造函数设计)。

所以我有一个名为 Hail:

的 Scala class 模型
class Hail(val handle : String, val message : String) extends BaseMessage {
  def this() {
    this("default_user", "default_message")

abstract class BaseMessage extends AbstractMessage(true) {

// This is a 3rd party open source class written in Java
public abstract class AbstractMessage implements Message
    private transient boolean reliable = true;

    protected AbstractMessage()

    protected AbstractMessage( boolean reliable )
        this.reliable = reliable; 

    public Message setReliable(boolean f)
        this.reliable = f;
        return this;

    public boolean isReliable()
        return reliable;

// This is also a 3rd party open source class written in Java
public interface Message
    public Message setReliable(boolean f);

    public boolean isReliable();

在运行时,这个 class 的实例被序列化(到二进制),通过网络发送到服务器,在那里它们被反序列化(返回到 Hail 个实例)并被处理。


val h1 : Hail = new Hail("user1", "Hello!")
val h2 : Hail = new Hail("user2", "Aloha!")
val h3 : Hail = new Hail("user3", "Bien venu mes amigos")


当服务器收到这些消息时,它会将它们的 handle/message 组合打印到 STDOUT。我收到的消息如下:

Server received a Hail: default_user, default_message
Server received a Hail: default_user, default_message
Server received a Hail: default_user, default_message


Server received a Hail: user1, Hello!
Server received a Hail: user1, Aloha!
Server received a Hail: user3, Bien venu mes amigos

同样,这个可能是一个networking/serialization/server-side问题。但在我走那条路之前,我想确保我的 Hail class 已经正确写入。


我反编译了我的 Hail class 并看到以下内容:

@ScalaSignature(bytes="<lots of bytes here omitted for brevity")
public class Hail
  extends BaseMessage
  private final String handle;

  public String handle()
    return this.handle;

  public String message()
    return this.message;

  public Hail()
    this("default_user", "default_message");

  public Hail(String handle, String message) {}

马上有几件事对我来说 curious/suspicious:

所以我问,我如何重构 Hail 的源代码,以便下面的最终结果是 反编译为的字节码:

@ScalaSignature(bytes="<lots of bytes here omitted for brevity")
public class Hail
  extends BaseMessage
  private final String handle;

  public String handle()
    return this.handle;

  public String message()
    return this.message;

  public Hail()
    this("default_user", "default_message");

  public Hail(String handle, String message)
    this.handle = handle;
    this.message = message;


问题是serializer server-side使用了no-arg constructor,然后改变class.


然而,scala vals 是不可变的,因此它们被编译为 class 的 final 参数,因此不能被改变。因此对象使用默认值实例化,然后保留这些值,因为它们不能被改变。

我建议使用与 scala 兼容的序列化程序,但更简单的解决方案是通过将属性声明为 vars 而不是 vals 来允许更改属性。