Cargo 是否依赖于从源代码构建 Cargo 本身?

Is Cargo a dependency to build Cargo itself from source?

Cargo README 声明如下:

Compiling from Source

Cargo requires the following tools and packages to build:

  • python
  • curl (on Unix)
  • cmake
  • OpenSSL headers (only for Unix, this is the libssl-dev package on ubuntu)
  • cargo and rustc

First, you'll want to check out this repository

git clone --recursive 
cd cargo

With cargo already installed, you can simply run:

cargo build --release

Otherwise, you can also use a more traditional approach:

make install

它表明 Cargo 是构建 Cargo 的依赖项,但似乎也表明如果未安装 Cargo,则以 ./configure 开头的方法应该有效。

当我克隆那个 repo 并且 运行 ./configure 我得到一个错误

configure: found cmake
configure: found make
configure: recreating config.tmp
configure: processing ./configure args
configure: CFG_PREFIX           := /usr/local 
configure: CFG_LOCAL_RUST_ROOT  :=  
configure: CFG_CARGO            := cargo 
configure: CFG_RUSTC            := rustc 
configure: CFG_RUSTDOC          := rustdoc 
configure: CFG_CARGO            :=  
configure: error: needed, but unable to find any of: CFG_CARGO cargo

这是否意味着我无法在未安装 Cargo 的情况下从源代码构建 Cargo?也许缺少 configure 的参数?

我从源代码构建了 Rust,因为我不是该系统的特权用户,并且在我的用户目录中安装了 Rust。

根据这里的讨论Issue 3772:

Indeed yeah Cargo is required to compile Cargo. In future Rust releases we'll have --enable-extended which will compile Cargo as well as Rust.

但是可以找到一些 cargo 引导脚本。例如: