如何检查列表元素的总和是否等于 Haskell 中的最后一个元素?

How to check if sum of list elements are equal to the last element in Haskell?

输入是一个包含 9 个元素的列表。

我想检查前 8 个元素的 sum/10 的余数(使用下面的算法,taj 的第二行)是否等于最后一个(第 9 个)元素。


oddS :: Int-> Int
oddS x = x*3

evenS :: Int -> Int
evenS y = y*7

taj :: [Int] -> Int
taj (a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:w) = (oddS a + evenS b + oddS c + evenS d + oddS e + evenS f + oddS g + evenS h) `mod` 10


Willem 帮助下的替代解决方案。

  check :: [Int] -> Bool
  check xs = xn == taj xs
      where xn = last xs

I would like to check if the first 8 elements's sum/10's remainder is equal to the last (9th) element.

it's a validation algorithm. It works like that. The input list is valid if the first 8 elements's (the sum of odd indexed elements*3 and even indexed elements*7) mod 10 equals to the last element. - comment

您还可以使用 递归 来检查条件,方法是使用累加运行 sum 并在到达最后一个元素时检查它。所以像:

check9 :: [Int] -> Bool
check9 = check9' 8 0
    where check9' n s [xn] = n == 0 && s `mod` 10 == xn
          check9' n s (x:x2:xs) = check9' (n-2) (s+3*x+7*x2) xs
          check9' _ _ _ = False

解决这个问题的更优雅的方法是使用 sum :: Num a => [a] -> azipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]cycle :: [a] -> [a]splitAt :: [a] -> a:

<b>-- alternative version</b>

check9 :: [Int] -> Bool
check9 xs | (xi,[xn]) <- splitAt 8 xs = xn == mod (sum (zipWith (*) xi $ cycle [3,7])) 10
          | otherwise = False