
creating a linked list + add new node + print the list and cannot figure out why it's not working


#include <stdio.h>

typedef char DATA;
struct node
    DATA d;
    struct node *next;

int main()
    struct node *header = NULL;
    struct node *second = NULL;
    struct node *third = NULL;

    header->d = 'a';
    header->next = second;

    second->d = 'b';
    second->next = third;

    third->d = 'c';
    third->next = NULL;

    struct addnew;


struct node *addnew(node, d, header)
    struct node *addnew = header;

    addnew->d = 'k';
    addnew->next = header;

    return addnew;

int printList(node, next, header)
    struct node *current = header;

    while (next != 'NULL')
        printf('/c', current->d);
        current = current->next;

    return current->d;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef char Data ;

struct node 
    Data d ;
    struct node *next ;

struct node * addNew( struct node *head, Data value )
    struct node *new_node = malloc( sizeof( struct node ) );

    if ( new_node != NULL )
        new_node->d = value;
        new_node->next = head;
        head = new_node;

    return head;

void printList( struct node *head )
    for ( ; head; head = head->next ) printf( "%c ", head->d );

struct node * freeList( struct node *head )
    while ( head != NULL )
        struct node *tmp = head;
        head = head->next;
        free( tmp );

    return head;

int main( void )
    struct node *head = NULL;

    head = addNew( head, 'a' );
    head = addNew( head, 'b' );
    head = addNew( head, 'c' );

    printList( head );
    printf( "\n" );

    head = freeList( head );

至于你的代码,那么它包含很多错误。例如,您没有为列表的元素分配内存。您只定义了指向未分配元素的指针,并将 NULL 分配给这些指针。

struct node *header = NULL;
struct node *second = NULL;
struct node *third = NULL;


header->d = 'a';
header->next = second;



struct addnew;



@jazuze 很多错误。就算我在学链表,也没关系。我在下面评论了您需要更正的区域。我已经编译了您的代码并进行了更正,并且它可以正常工作,但我不会轻易为您提供解决方案。我建议你在下面工作::

    #include <stdio.h>

typedef char DATA ;     //why do you need to typedef char

struct node {
DATA d ;
struct node * next ;

int main (){

struct node* header = NULL;
struct node* second = NULL;
struct node* third = NULL;

header->d = 'a';
header->next = second;

second->d = 'b';
second->next = third;

third->d = 'c';
third->next = NULL;

struct addnew;


// place all functions before main

struct node* addnew (node, d, header){  //should be struct node* addnew(struct node* header). This whole function needs to be corrected

struct node* addnew = header;   //incorrect logic. You need to malloc addnew first so that you get a new node in memory
addnew->d = 'k';
addnew->next = header;

return addnew;  //you lose the header


int printList(node, next, header){  //(node, next, header) what is this?? It should be printList(struct node* header)
struct node *current = header;

while (next != 'NULL'){     // incorrect logic. What is next. Should be (current != NULL)
    printf('/c', current->d);   //should be printf(“%c”, current->d);
    current = current->next;

return current->d;      //why return current->d