Mule 响应阶段什么时候会被忽略?

When will Mule response phase get ignored?

我正在阅读 Mule in Action 一书以了解 response phase。作者说:

Finally, the last thing to consider is that the outcome of the response phase is ignored if the flow response is returned via reply-to routing.


这是一个例子。这里 request-reply 路由器将添加一个 replyTo header,因此流 'replyto' 的结果被发送回 'replytoout' queue。它将到达请求阶段的末尾,然后 return 结果而不调用响应阶段。


Final value::: B

而不是 'C',因为忽略了响应阶段

<flow name="replytotest">
        <poll frequency="60000">
            <logger level="INFO" message="Starting" />

        <set-payload value="A" />

            <vm:outbound-endpoint address="vm://replytoin" />
            <vm:inbound-endpoint address="vm://replytoout" />

        <logger level="INFO" message="Final value::: #[payload] " />

    <flow name="replyto">
        <vm:inbound-endpoint address="vm://replytoin" />

        <set-payload value="B" />

            <set-payload value="C" />