glmer logit - 概率尺度上的相互作用效应(用 `predict` 复制 `effects`)

glmer logit - interaction effects on probability scale (replicating `effects` with `predict`)

我运行正在使用 lme4 包构建 glmer logit 模型。我对各种二元和三元交互作用及其解释很感兴趣。为了简化,我只关心固定效应系数。

我设法想出了一个代码来计算这些影响并将其绘制在对数尺度上,但我无法将它们转换为预测概率尺度。最后我想复制 effects 包的输出。

示例依赖于UCLA's data on cancer patients.


getmode <- function(v) {
  uniqv <- unique(v)
  uniqv[which.max(tabulate(match(v, uniqv)))]

facmin <- function(n) {

facmax <- function(x) {

hdp <- read.csv("")

hdp <- hdp[complete.cases(hdp),]

hdp <- within(hdp, {
  Married <- factor(Married, levels = 0:1, labels = c("no", "yes"))
  DID <- factor(DID)
  HID <- factor(HID)
  CancerStage <- revalue(hdp$CancerStage, c("I"="1", "II"="2", "III"="3", "IV"="4"))


m <- glmer(remission ~ CancerStage*LengthofStay + Experience +
             (1 | DID), data = hdp, family = binomial(link="logit"))


Warning message:
In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv,  :
  Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.0417259 (tol = 0.001, component 1)

尽管我不太确定是否应该担心警告,但我还是使用估计值绘制了利益交互作用的平均边际效应。首先,我准备要输入 predict 函数的数据集,然后使用固定效应参数计算边际效应和置信区间。

newdat <- expand.grid(
  remission = getmode(hdp$remission),
  CancerStage = as.factor(seq(facmin(hdp$CancerStage), facmax(hdp$CancerStage),1)),
  LengthofStay  = seq(min(hdp$LengthofStay, na.rm=T),max(hdp$LengthofStay, na.rm=T),1),
  Experience  = mean(hdp$Experience, na.rm=T))

mm <- model.matrix(terms(m), newdat)
newdat$remission <- predict(m, newdat, re.form = NA)
pvar1 <- diag(mm %*% tcrossprod(vcov(m), mm))
cmult <- 1.96

## lower and upper CI
newdat <- data.frame(
  newdat, plo = newdat$remission - cmult*sqrt(pvar1), 
  phi = newdat$remission + cmult*sqrt(pvar1))


plot_remission <- ggplot(newdat, aes(LengthofStay,
  fill=factor(CancerStage), color=factor(CancerStage))) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = plo, ymax = phi), colour=NA, alpha=0.2) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = remission), size=1.2) + 
  xlab("Length of Stay") + xlim(c(2, 10)) +
  ylab("Probability of Remission") + ylim(c(0.0, 0.5)) +
  labs(colour="Cancer Stage", fill="Cancer Stage") + 


我认为现在 OY 量表是在 logit 量表上测量的,但为了理解它,我想将它转换为预测概率。基于 wikipedia,类似 exp(value)/(exp(value)+1) 的东西应该可以达到预测的概率。虽然我可以做到 newdat$remission <- exp(newdat$remission)/(exp(newdat$remission)+1),但我不确定 我应该如何针对置信区间执行此操作?

最终我想得到与 effects 包生成的相同的情节。即:

eff.m <- effect("CancerStage*LengthofStay", m, KR=T)

eff.m <-

plot_remission2 <- ggplot(eff.m, aes(LengthofStay,
  fill=factor(CancerStage), color=factor(CancerStage))) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper), colour=NA, alpha=0.2) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = fit), size=1.2) + 
  xlab("Length of Stay") + xlim(c(2, 10)) +
  ylab("Probability of Remission") + ylim(c(0.0, 0.5)) +
  labs(colour="Cancer Stage", fill="Cancer Stage") + 


尽管我可以只使用 effects 包,但遗憾的是它无法与我必须 运行 用于我自己的工作的很多模型一起编译:

Error in model.matrix(mod2) %*% mod2$coefficients : 
  non-conformable arguments
In addition: Warning message:
In vcov.merMod(mod) :
  variance-covariance matrix computed from finite-difference Hessian is
not positive definite or contains NA values: falling back to var-cov estimated from RX

解决这个问题需要调整估计程序,目前我想避免这种情况。另外,我也很好奇 effects 在这里到底做了什么。 对于如何调整我的初始语法以获得预测概率的任何建议,我将不胜感激!

要获得与问题中提供的 effect 函数类似的结果,您只需使用您提供的转换:exp(x)/(1+exp(x))

可以使用 plogis 函数在 base R 中完成此转换:

> a <- 1:5
> plogis(a)
[1] 0.7310586 0.8807971 0.9525741 0.9820138 0.9933071
> exp(a)/(1+exp(a))
[1] 0.7310586 0.8807971 0.9525741 0.9820138 0.9933071

所以使用 @eipi10 的建议,使用丝带代替虚线作为置信带(我也发现这个演示文稿更具可读性):

   ggplot(newdat, aes(LengthofStay, fill=factor(CancerStage), color=factor(CancerStage))) +
        geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = plogis(plo), ymax = plogis(phi)), colour=NA, alpha=0.2) + 
        geom_line(aes(y = plogis(remission)), size=1.2) + 
        xlab("Length of Stay") + xlim(c(2, 10)) +
        ylab("Probability of Remission") + ylim(c(0.0, 0.5)) +
        labs(colour="Cancer Stage", fill="Cancer Stage") + 


> compare <- merge(newdat, eff.m) 
> compare[, c("remission", "plo", "phi")] <- 
+     sapply(compare[, c("remission", "plo", "phi")], plogis)
> head(compare) 
  CancerStage LengthofStay  remission Experience        plo       phi        fit        se      lower     upper
1           1           10 0.20657613   17.64129 0.12473504 0.3223392 0.20657613 0.3074726 0.12473625 0.3223368
2           1            2 0.35920425   17.64129 0.27570456 0.4522040 0.35920425 0.1974744 0.27570598 0.4522022
3           1            4 0.31636299   17.64129 0.26572506 0.3717650 0.31636299 0.1254513 0.26572595 0.3717639
4           1            6 0.27642711   17.64129 0.22800277 0.3307300 0.27642711 0.1313108 0.22800360 0.3307290
5           1            8 0.23976445   17.64129 0.17324422 0.3218821 0.23976445 0.2085896 0.17324530 0.3218805
6           2           10 0.09957493   17.64129 0.06218598 0.1557113 0.09957493 0.2609519 0.06218653 0.1557101
> compare$remission-compare$fit
 [1] 8.604228e-16 1.221245e-15 1.165734e-15 1.054712e-15 9.714451e-16 4.718448e-16 1.221245e-15 1.054712e-15 8.326673e-16
[10] 6.383782e-16 4.163336e-16 7.494005e-16 6.383782e-16 5.689893e-16 4.857226e-16 2.567391e-16 1.075529e-16 1.318390e-16
[19] 1.665335e-16 2.081668e-16


> compare$plo-compare$lower
 [1] -1.208997e-06 -1.420235e-06 -8.815678e-07 -8.324261e-07 -1.076016e-06 -5.481007e-07 -1.429258e-06 -8.133438e-07 -5.648821e-07
[10] -5.806940e-07 -5.364281e-07 -1.004792e-06 -6.314904e-07 -4.007381e-07 -4.847205e-07 -3.474783e-07 -1.398476e-07 -1.679746e-07
[19] -1.476577e-07 -2.332091e-07

但是,如果我使用正态分布的实分位数 cmult <- qnorm(0.975) 而不是 cmult <- 1.96,我也会对这些边界获得非常小的差异:

> compare$plo-compare$lower
 [1] 5.828671e-16 9.992007e-16 9.992007e-16 9.436896e-16 7.771561e-16 3.053113e-16 9.992007e-16 8.604228e-16 6.938894e-16
[10] 5.134781e-16 2.289835e-16 4.718448e-16 4.857226e-16 4.440892e-16 3.469447e-16 1.006140e-16 3.382711e-17 6.765422e-17
[19] 1.214306e-16 1.283695e-16