
Create a dynamic array in separate function and manipulate it from calling function

我正在使用一个打开文件的功能, 将该文件的内容读入动态数组的函数, 关闭文件的函数。

到目前为止,除了当我返回调用位置(主要)时动态数组超出范围之外,我能够执行上述所有操作。我想在 main 或什至单独的函数中将其他数据存储在数组中。完成向动态数组添加数据后,我会将其内容写回源文件并用新数据覆盖它,然后关闭该文件。目的是将数据附加到原始文件的顶部。我无法在 main 中访问或修改函数 char *LoadFileData(FILE *fp, char* charPtr);,我做错了什么?


    FILE *fSource;       // create source file pointer instance
    char mode[] = "a+";  // default file open mode
    char inStr[80];      // string to get input from user
    char *tempFileData;  // dynamic string to hold the existing text file

// Open the source file
    strcpy(mode, "r");   // change the file opnen mode to read
    FileOpen(&fSource, mode);

// Load the source file into a dynamic array
    LoadFileData(fSource, tempFileData);  // this is where I fail that I can tell.

    printf("%s", tempFileData); // print the contents of the (array) source file //(for testing right now)
    FileClose(&fSource);  // close the source file


char *LoadFileData(FILE *fp, char* charPtr)
    int i = 0;
    char ch = '[=11=]';
    charPtr = new char; // create dynamic array to hold the file contents
    if(charPtr == NULL)
        printf("Memory can't be allocated\n");
// loop to read the file contents into the array
   while(ch != EOF)
        ch = fgetc(fp);  // read source file one char at a time
        charPtr[i++] = ch;
    printf("%s", charPtr); // so far so good.
    return charPtr;

返回 string 怎么样?

string LoadFileData(FILE *fp, char* charPtr)

与其传递一个你从未使用过的值的 char *,不如将函数的 return 值赋给 tempFileData


char *LoadFileData(FILE *fp)
    char* charPtr;


tempFileData = LoadFileData(fSource);  


charPtr = new char; // create dynamic array to hold the file contents

    charPtr[i++] = ch;

您正在为一个 char 分配内存,但继续使用它就好像它可以容纳很多字符一样。


  1. 查找文件中存在的字符数。
  2. 为所有字符分配内存(如果需要以 null 终止数组则为 +1)。
  3. 读取文件内容到分配的内存中。


char* LoadFileData(FILE *fp) 
    off_t size; // Type off_t represents file offset value. 
    int i = 0;
    char ch = '[=10=]';
    char *charPtr; // dynamic arrary pointer that will hold the file contents

    fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); // seek to the end of the file
    size = ftell(fp);        // read the file size.
    rewind(fp);              // set the file pointer back to the beginning

    // create a dynamic array to the size of the file
    charPtr = new char[size + 1]; 

    if (charPtr == NULL) {
        printf("Memory can't be allocated\n");
        // exit(0);

    while (ch != EOF) {
        ch = fgetc(fp); // read source file one char at a time
        if (ch < 0) { // do not copy it if it is an invalid char
        else {
            charPtr[i++] = ch;
            // load the char into the next ellement of the array
            // i++;
        }// end else
    } // end while

    return charPtr; 