我可以在 Google 云函数中访问 GraphicsMagicks 或 ImageMagicks 吗?

Do I have access to GraphicsMagicks or ImageMagicks in a Google Cloud Function?

我想创建一个 Google Cloud Function 来正确设置上传文件的内容类型。我知道如何使用 GraphicsMagick 或 ImageMagick 执行此操作,但我不确定 Google Cloud Function 是否具有这些本机库。我如何知道他们是否有或没有我如何安装它们?

Google Cloud Functions 运行 在安装了 ImageMagick 的容器中。 Firebase documentation 似乎有最好的文档。从那里:

Cloud Functions provides an image-processing program called ImageMagick that can perform manipulations on graphical image files. The following is an example of how to create a thumbnail image for an uploaded image file:

    // Download file from bucket.
    const bucket = gcs.bucket(fileBucket);
    const tempFilePath = `/tmp/${fileName}`;
    return bucket.file(filePath).download({
      destination: tempFilePath
    }).then(() => {
      console.log('Image downloaded locally to', tempFilePath);
      // Generate a thumbnail using ImageMagick.
      return exec(`convert "${tempFilePath}" -thumbnail '200x200>' "${tempFilePath}"`).then(() => {
        console.log('Thumbnail created at', tempFilePath);
        // We add a 'thumb_' prefix to thumbnails file name. That's where we'll upload the thumbnail.
        const thumbFilePath = filePath.replace(/(\/)?([^\/]*)$/, `thumb_`);
        // Uploading the thumbnail.
        return bucket.upload(tempFilePath, {
          destination: thumbFilePath

This code executes the ImageMagick command line program convert to create a 200x200 thumbnail for the image saved in a temporary directory, then uploads it back to Cloud Storage.

另请参阅 Firebase 函数示例存储库,了解如何使用它的示例:https://github.com/firebase/functions-samples/tree/master/generate-thumbnail