
Pointer and address in C

我的老师在他的演讲 powerpoint 上有这些问题,但没有答案。有人可以帮忙吗。刚接触 c.

If a is an int variable, is it always true that *&a == a ?
If p is an int* variable, is it always true that p == &*p ?
Is it ever meaningful to say **p ?
Is it ever meaningful to say &&a ?
After assigning a = 2 and p = &a, how much is *p**p ?
If furthermore q = &p, how much is **q**p***q ?


If a is an int variable, is it always true that *&a == a ?


If p is an int* variable, is it always true that p == &*p ?

是 - 在这种情况下,&* 运算符都不会被实际计算。参见 C 2011 标准的 online draft,§ ¶ 3.

Is it ever meaningful to say **p ?


Is it ever meaningful to say &&a ?

没有。 &a 的结果不是左值,因此不能对它应用 & 运算符。换句话说,地址的地址是什么?

After assigning a = 2 and p = &a, how much is *p**p ?

应该a * a一样,虽然要注意C的tokenizing算法是"greedy",所以你真的 想用空格分隔术语和运算符。

If furthermore q = &p, how much is **q**p***q ?

同样,它应该a * a * a 相同,并且再次注意 C 是如何标记表达式的。