Polymer 2.0 - 自定义组件未显示
Polymer 2.0 - custom component not showing
我刚开始学习 polymer
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="shared-styles.html">
<dom-module id="long-calendar-app">
<style include="shared-styles">
:host {
display: block;
<h2>Hello [[prop1]]</h2>
<my-view1 name="view1"></my-view1><!--Added to test and see if it works-->
class MyApplication extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() { return 'long-calendar-app'; }
static get properties() {
return {
prop1: {
type: String,
value: 'long-calendar-app'
window.customElements.define(MyApplication.is, MyApplication);
然后从 starter-kit
复制 MyView1
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="shared-styles.html">
<dom-module id="my-view1">
<style include="shared-styles">
:host {
display: block;
padding: 10px;
<div class="card">
<div class="circle">1</div>
<h1>View One</h1>
<p>Ut labores minimum atomorum pro. Laudem tibique ut has.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, per in nusquam nominavi periculis, sit elit oportere ea.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, per in nusquam nominavi periculis, sit elit oportere ea.Cu mei vide viris gloriatur, at populo eripuit sit.</p>
class MyView1 extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() { return 'my-view1'; }
window.customElements.define(MyView1.is, MyView1);
如您所见,我已经在 <h2>Hello [[prop1]]</h2>
下面添加了 <my-view1 name="view1"></my-view1>
更新 01:
我刚刚检查了我的开发者控制台,似乎我在 my-view1
中没有 #shadow-root
这是否意味着 my-view1
您需要将 my-view1 导入 long-calendar-app.html.
即<link rel="import" href="../my-view1/my-view-1.html">
我刚开始学习 polymer
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="shared-styles.html">
<dom-module id="long-calendar-app">
<style include="shared-styles">
:host {
display: block;
<h2>Hello [[prop1]]</h2>
<my-view1 name="view1"></my-view1><!--Added to test and see if it works-->
class MyApplication extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() { return 'long-calendar-app'; }
static get properties() {
return {
prop1: {
type: String,
value: 'long-calendar-app'
window.customElements.define(MyApplication.is, MyApplication);
然后从 starter-kit
复制 MyView1
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="shared-styles.html">
<dom-module id="my-view1">
<style include="shared-styles">
:host {
display: block;
padding: 10px;
<div class="card">
<div class="circle">1</div>
<h1>View One</h1>
<p>Ut labores minimum atomorum pro. Laudem tibique ut has.</p>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, per in nusquam nominavi periculis, sit elit oportere ea.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, per in nusquam nominavi periculis, sit elit oportere ea.Cu mei vide viris gloriatur, at populo eripuit sit.</p>
class MyView1 extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() { return 'my-view1'; }
window.customElements.define(MyView1.is, MyView1);
如您所见,我已经在 <h2>Hello [[prop1]]</h2>
下面添加了 <my-view1 name="view1"></my-view1>
更新 01:
我刚刚检查了我的开发者控制台,似乎我在 my-view1
中没有 #shadow-root
这是否意味着 my-view1
您需要将 my-view1 导入 long-calendar-app.html.
即<link rel="import" href="../my-view1/my-view-1.html">