
Trying to convert from long to wide format but ending up with every combination of variable


game_id team pts
1 400597848 TOWS  53
2 400597848 COFC  50
3 400595519  ILL  49
4 400595519  WIS  68


game_id team1 pts1 team2 pts2
1 400597848 TOWS  53  COFC  50
3 400595519  ILL  49  WIS  68


d <- structure(list(game_id = c(400597848L, 400597848L, 400595519L,
400595519L), team = c("TOWS", "COFC", "ILL", "WIS"), pts = c(53L,
50L, 49L, 68L)), .Names = c("game_id", "team", "pts"), row.names = c(NA,
4L), class = "data.frame")

我试过使用 tidyr 并遵循了本教程: http://www.cookbook-r.com/Manipulating_data/Converting_data_between_wide_and_long_format/


 spread(d, team, pts)


1. data.table

我们可以使用 data.table 的开发版本中的 dcast,即 v1.9.5,它可以包含多个 'value.var' 列。它可以从 here 安装。

将 'data.frame' 转换为 'data.table' (setDT(d)),创建序列列 ('ind'),按 'game_id' 分组,然后使用 dcast 在修改后的数据集上指定 'value.var' 为 'team' 和 'pts'.

dcast(setDT(d)[, ind:= 1:.N, by=game_id], game_id~ind, 
                   value.var=c('team', 'pts'))
#     game_id 1_team 2_team 1_pts 2_pts
#1: 400595519    ILL    WIS    49    68
#2: 400597848   TOWS   COFC    53    50

2。基础 R

另一个选项是在创建 'ind' 列后使用 base R 中的 reshape

 d1 <- transform(d, ind=ave(seq_along(game_id), game_id, FUN=seq_along))

 reshape(d1, idvar='game_id', timevar='ind', direction='wide')
 #    game_id team.1 pts.1 team.2 pts.2
 #1 400597848   TOWS    53   COFC    50
 #3 400595519    ILL    49    WIS    68