如何在 swagger codegen 中设置方法名称前缀?
How to set method name prefix in swagger codegen?
(Swagger 新手)
"/pet/findByStatus": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Finds Pets by status",
"description": "Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings",
"operationId": "findPetsByStatus",
如上所示,operationId = findPetsByStatus。假设我想在我的 java 代码中为所有 get 操作生成一个前缀,前缀 = 'get_'.
例如,我希望 swagger codegen 生成与前缀为 'get_' 的 HTTP GET 方法对应的所有操作。具体来说,在上面,它可能会生成:get_findPetsByStatus.
有没有办法告诉 swagger codegen 给方法加上前缀?
请注意,我想使用 swagger-codegen 本身,而不是类似 APIMatic 的替代品。
实施 AbstractJavaCodegen (or a subclass that implements it) and overload the postProcessOperations function to prepend prefixes to operations (operationId property of the CodegenOperation class). See making-your-own-codegen-modules 以获取构建说明和 运行 自定义代码生成器。
public class MyCodegen extends AbstractJavaCodegen{ \or
public Map<String, Object> postProcessOperations(Map<String, Object> objs) {
Map<String, Object> operations = (Map<String, Object>) objs.get("operations");
if (operations != null) {
List<CodegenOperation> ops = (List<CodegenOperation>) operations.get("operation");
for (CodegenOperation operation : ops) {
operation.operationId = "get_" + operation.operationId;
return objs;
(Swagger 新手)
"/pet/findByStatus": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Finds Pets by status",
"description": "Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings",
"operationId": "findPetsByStatus",
如上所示,operationId = findPetsByStatus。假设我想在我的 java 代码中为所有 get 操作生成一个前缀,前缀 = 'get_'.
例如,我希望 swagger codegen 生成与前缀为 'get_' 的 HTTP GET 方法对应的所有操作。具体来说,在上面,它可能会生成:get_findPetsByStatus.
有没有办法告诉 swagger codegen 给方法加上前缀?
请注意,我想使用 swagger-codegen 本身,而不是类似 APIMatic 的替代品。
实施 AbstractJavaCodegen (or a subclass that implements it) and overload the postProcessOperations function to prepend prefixes to operations (operationId property of the CodegenOperation class). See making-your-own-codegen-modules 以获取构建说明和 运行 自定义代码生成器。
public class MyCodegen extends AbstractJavaCodegen{ \or
public Map<String, Object> postProcessOperations(Map<String, Object> objs) {
Map<String, Object> operations = (Map<String, Object>) objs.get("operations");
if (operations != null) {
List<CodegenOperation> ops = (List<CodegenOperation>) operations.get("operation");
for (CodegenOperation operation : ops) {
operation.operationId = "get_" + operation.operationId;
return objs;