Android Nexus 5 设备上的 React Native Dev 菜单

React Native Dev Menu on Android Nexus 5 Device

我有一个基本的 react-native 应用程序,我 运行 在 真正的 Nexus 5 上运行,但我找不到启用开发者菜单的方法iOS 和模拟设备存在。

Method 1: Using adb reverse (recommended)
You can use this method if your device is running Android 5.0 (Lollipop), it has USB debugging enabled, and it is connected via USB to your development machine.

Run the following in a command prompt:

$ adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 You can now use Reload JS from the React Native in-app Developer menu without any additional configuration.

当我 运行 react-native run-android 我在终端看到这一行

Running adb -s 06adb216 reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081

但我看到 React Native 应用内开发者菜单


Windows 10
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.42.0

我的 文件如下所示:

import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import Welcome from './src/modules/onboarding/components/welcome';

AppRegistry.registerComponent('mobileapp', () => Welcome);

要在不直接访问硬件或单击事件的情况下使用 android 设备或​​模拟器,您可以通过 adb 将输入传递给设备 通过 adb shell input keyevent,将向设备发送 event_codestring

Android Debug Bridge or ADB shell input


要打开菜单控制,请使用adb shell input keyevent 82命令。


此致, 杜尔迦